Conceived by Greg Daniels and Steve Carell, Space Force is an American military fiction workplace comedy-drama TV series for Netflix that premiered in May 2020. It follows a company of people assigned to organizing the 6th branch of the US Armed Forces, the US Space Force. It features Steve Carell, John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Diana Silvers, Lisa Kudrow, Tawny Newsome, and Jimmy O. Yang.
When the series first premiered, it received mixed responses from the audience and critics alike. When it comes to the ratings, it scored just 38 percent on Rotten Tomatoes voted by 95 people, and accumulated an average rating of 5.78 out of 10 while on Metacritic, it scored 49/100, voted by 40 critics, implying “mixed or average reviews”.
The first season of Space Force was released on May 29, 2020, with a total of ten episodes. The list of episodes are–
- Episode 1: The Launch
- Episode 2: Save Epsilon 6
- Episode 3: Mark and Mallory Go to Washington
- Episode 4: Lunar Habitat
- Episode 5: Space Flag
- Episode 6: The Spy
- Episode 7: Edison Jaymes
- Episode 8: Conjugal Visit
- Episode 9: It’s Good to Be Back on the Moon
- Proportionate Response
Despite having mixed reviews, Netflix decided to renew the series for a second season run in November 2020 which is scheduled to launch on February 18, 2022.
The series is executively produced by Howard Klein, Brent Forrester, and Paul King along with co-creators Greg Daniels and Steve Carell. Its producers are Caroline James, Lauren Houseman, and Michael Maccarone.
Let’s find out whether or not Netflix will renew the series for a third season.
Release date of Space Force Season 3: When is it?
Currently, there’s no word on it yet regarding the third season of Space Force. It looks like people are more interested in what’s coming next rather than the much further possible third season.
Earlier Netflix revealed that the second season will consist of seven episodes in a press release.
“Season two of Space Force picks up with General Naird and his underdog team having to prove their worth to a new administration while dealing with interpersonal challenges. Will the group come together or fall apart under the pressure…? The Space Force is only human after all.”
So if the second season does perform well, we’re certain that the streaming will renew the series for a third installment. This means that viewers won’t get to see it until early 2023.
Season 2 of Space Force might be the last season of the series
As previously mentioned, the series received many criticisms and obtained poor ratings so the second season probably is the ultimate chance to do everything right for the series to continue on Netflix.
It was also reported that production shifted from Los Angeles to Vancouver to lessen costs. Additionally, there’s also a new member named Norm Hiscock who joined the team and will serve as a co-showrunner
The Cast of Space Force Season 3: Who’ll be in it?
Not much is known about the third season. For now, the future seems uncertain but it all depends on the performance of the second season. So on the off chance, Netflix renews the series, all the core characters are expected to return in the third series including–
- Steve Carell will portray General Mark R. Naird
- John Malkovich will reprise his role as Dr. Adrian Mallory
- Ben Schwartz will play his role as F. Tony “Fuck Tony” Scarapiducci
- Diana Silvers will portray Erin Naird
- Tawny Newsome will play Captain Angela Ali
- Jimmy O. Yang will reprise his role as Dr. Chan Kaifang
- Don Lake will play his character as Brigadier General Bradley Gregory
As for the plot, the showrunners haven’t provided any clues. Nevertheless, let’s all wait for the second season to hit our screens first and the third season’s plot will likely pick up from where it left off. Stay tuned for more information!