Created by Bryan Kestner and Whitney Sudler-Smith, “Southern Charm” is an American reality TV series that was launched on Bravo on March 3, 2014. The series revolves around the private life affair and proficient lives of seven extroverts who stay in Charleston, South Carolina. The show concentrates on the culture and political record of the Southern parts and has included local ancient places like the Mikell House and Lewisfield Plantation.
Throughout the seasons, the series has featured an ensemble cast that comprises of Craig Conover, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Thomas Ravenel, Shep Rose, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, Landon Clements, Austen Kroll, Chelsea Meissner, Naomie Olindo, Eliza Limehouse, Leva Bonaparte, Madison Leroy, John Pringle, Olivia Flowers, Venita Aspen, Chleb Ravenell, and Marcia Hobbs. However, it’s been reported that some of them have already departed from the show and therefore won’t be returning in the future seasons.
Bravo’s reality series has produced a total of seven seasons so far and an overall 83 list of episodes with each episode running for forty-two minutes. Its executive producers are Aaron Rothman, Irad Eyal, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Bryan Kestner, Jason Weinberg, and Jessica Chesler.
Here, we bring you all the latest information so if you want to know more about the upcoming eighth season of Southern Charm do read this post till the end.
Release Date for Season 8 of Southern Charm: When Is It Premiering?
The great news is filming for the 8th season of Southern Charm ended on December 19, 2021, and is scheduled to premiere in early 2022.
As per Bustle, most of the seasons are filmed in the fall and launched in the spring. The seventh season, however, started production early but had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Henceforth, filming was pushed back to the fall of 2020, with episodes airing from October 29th to January 21st of 2021, and the reunion episodes were launched on January 28th and February 4th of 2021 on Bravo TV.
Fans can expect to see the new episodes in Spring 2022. As of now, it’s not known how many episodes the new season will consist of but it will likely have 13 or more episodes.
The Cast of Southern Charm Season 8: Who Will Return This Season?
According to reports, the forthcoming eighth season will consist of all the returning cast from the last season that includes Chleb Ravenell, Olivia Flowers, Venita Aspen, and Marcia Hobbs. Another cast joining them would be Naomie Olindo who would appear as a playmate of the cast.
The last season centered on Austen Kroll, Craig Conover, Kathryn Dennis, and Shep Rose. Apart from them, Madison LeCroy has been promoted to a full-time cast member, with two newcomers Leva Bonaparte and John Pringle who have joined the show.
According to rumors, Venita Aspen is said to have earned a place as a full-time cast member and that three more new faces will be added. Sources have reported to Radar that the new cast for the 8th season is “approved” by some of the initial cast and that “it should be a bigger cast and more fun this year.”
What Do We Expect From Season 8 of Southern Charm?
The one thing to expect from a new season is lots of dramas, fallouts, and a bit of a romance here and there to liven up the show.
Star Craig Conover previously sat down with the students of Louisiana State University about seeking one’s passion. That’s when he slipped some little information about the upcoming eighth season. “It’s going to be a wild one,” Conover confessed to WAFB, a local station.
“It’s definitely an old-school classic Southern Charm with the twists that are going to come out, you’re going to be like, there’s no way this is happening,” he explained. “So I think it’s going to be a really great season, I’m really excited about it.”
He also hinted that the right season would likely arrive soon. “I would probably get in a little more trouble telling you that,” he told. “But it’s not too far off.”
With that said, just as we except it to be, season 8 is going to be a lot more fun and bringing in more twists. What do you think? Are you excited about the new season? Do let us know in the comments section below.