Son of a Critch is a Canadian comedy-drama adventure TV series that debuted on January 4, 2022, on CBC. Created by Mark Critch and Tim McAuliffe, the series is based “on the memoir of the same name by Mark Critch, the semi-autobiographical series follows an adolescent Mark as he grows up in the 1980s in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
It stars Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Mark Critch, Claire Rankin, Colton Gobbo, Sophia Powers, Mark Rivera, and Malcolm McDowell.
The series is produced by Andrew Barnsley in association with Project 10 Productions and Take the Shot Productions.
Son of a Critch officially renewed for a Season 2
Great news for the fans as the series has been officially confirmed for a second run by CBC on February 28, 2022.
Good God! 🎉 Can Monday get any better than this? Son of A Critch has secured a second season! 🎉 👏🏻 Crack open a stubby bottle of Son of A Critch Lager to celebrate!
— Son of a Critch (@SonOfACritchTV) February 28, 2022
Son of a Critch Season 2 Cast
As of October 2022, there have been no disclosures regarding the star cast for season 2. The show creators haven’t released an official star cast list yet. However, We can anticipate the return of many previous cast members for the third installment.
Here is the list of members who can appear in the upcoming edition:-
- Benjamin Evan Ainsworth will play as Mark Critch
- Mark Critch will play as Mike Critch
- Claire Rankin will play as Mary Critch
- Malcolm McDowell will play as Patrick “Pop” Critch
- Colton Gobbo will play as Mike Critch Jr.
- Sophia Powers will play as Fox
- Mark Rivera will play as Ritche Perez
- Petrina Bromley will play as Sister Margaret
- Nora McLellan will play as Sister Rose
- Daisy Harris will play as Tina
- Richard Clarkin will play as Dick Dunphy
- Nicole Underhay will play as Suzanne
Filming for Season 2 of Son of a Critch has wrapped!
Son of a Critch has officially completed production of its season two.
“It’s really great to be back because in the first season I was kind of going home in a way where we were recreating my childhood but in the second season I was going home [by] seeing our wonderful cast and crew,” said Mark Crtitch creator and writer of Critch.
“All the kids had grown so much. It’s great just to see everybody again. To slip into these characters and situations now that they’re fully formed, it makes it far more exciting to get in and get to play with it all again.”
And we definitely can’t wait to see what the new season has in store for us.
Son of a Critch Season 2 Release Date
Son of a Critch has a release date. The new season is slated to premiere on Tue Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 8:30 pm (9 pm NT) on CBC and the free CBC Gem streaming platform.
Son of a Critch: Where To Watch?
If the series keeps going, it will be released on CBC. Furthermore, the series Son of a Critch Season 2 will also be broadcast on the OTT platform like CBS and Netflix.
Son of a Critch: Ratings
Son of a Critch season 2 received an outstanding rating across the world. However, the latest reception was more or less positive. The show has received a lot of honorary awards including “The Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.” Moreover, moving toward the ratings, the series Son of a Critch has received 7.4 out of 10 on IMDb. On Rotten Tomatoes, it secures an 81% Tomatometer rating and an 83% audience approval rating.
Son of a Critch Season 2 Trailer
As we discovered above, there is no news from the production’s side about making the Son of a Critch Season 2 trailer. So, as of now, there is no official trailer for the television.
Better stay connected to us, we will update the trailer video on the website as soon as it is published.