Based on the manga of the same name, Shounen Maid is a dramedy TV series that aired on April 8, 2016, on TBS, CBC, Sun TV, BSTBS, and TBS Channel 1. This anime series was directed and written by Yoshiko Nakamura. So far there’s only one season of the series.
Here are all the updates about the potential second season of Shounen Maid!
Will there be a season 2 of Shounen Maid?
As of February 2023, the series hasn’t been officially renewed for the second season. However, we expect the renewal announcements to be made sooner. Stay connected with us for more updates!
Is there enough source material for another season?
Anime adaptations are strictly dependent on the source material for their plot. It’s very rare that animation studios will create new stories if the source material isn’t enough.
Shounen Maid ran for 10 volumes. However, the television anime consumed 7 volumes of it already. That said, the second season doesn’t have much content left to adapt, which reduces the chances of Shounen Maid receiving a second edition.
But because there are still 3 volumes left to adapt, there’s a teensy bit of hope. Let’s see what the makers decide. Stay tuned to our website for more updates!
When will Shounen Maid season 2 release?
As the anime hasn’t been renewed yet, we cannot anticipate the release date. Anime series usually take longer to air.
Keeping this in mind, 2024 or later seems apt, considering there have been no renewal announcements yet. Keep an eye on this corner for all future updates!
Shounen Maid expected storyline
The storyline of Shounen Maid revolves around Chihiro Komiya. He goes to an orphaned elementary school. Having lost his mother to a tragic accident, he’s left with no one – not even a close family member.
However, his life changes completely when she meets this rich young man, Madoka Takatori, who turns out to be his uncle. When Madoka gets to know that Chihiro has nowhere to go, he takes him in and helps him.
Chihiro, when moves into his uncle’s house, finds out this entire mansion is full of trash. And so, he becomes the official housekeeper of the mansion, and works hard everyday to keep the place clean and organized. He receives a monthly allowance every month.
How has the series been rated so far?
On MyAnimeList, the series holds a rating of 7.3 out of 10. On IMDb, Shounen Maid holds an average rating of 7.2 out of 10. Furthermore, the anime has met with positive critical acclaim and audiences have loved it too!
How many episodes could there be in season 2?
If the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, the second season may also comprise 12 episodes. However, there hasn’t been an official update yet!
Is there a trailer yet?
As the series hasn’t received the greenlight yet, there’s no trailer for now. You may watch the previous season’s trailer down below!
Where to watch Shounen Maid?
You may watch the series on Crunchyroll. All the 12 episodes are available to watch the stream on the same platform!
Is Shounen Maid season 3 happening?
No updates available as of yet!