The reality show “Seeking Sister Wife” premiered in 2018 on TLC and has produced three seasons of several families at numerous stages of finding or introducing a new sister wife in their relationships. To those not familiar with the term sister-wife, it is referred to women who are married to the same man more like having a polygamous relationship. To put it, these marriages have their share of struggles, drama, leaving the fans surprised and marveling at what could happen in the next chapter of these unusual families.
As of now, there haven’t been any updates from TLC concerning the fourth season of Seeking Sister Wife which makes us question whether or not TLC plans to renew the show for another season run. Both seasons two and three comprised 12 episodes each with a run time of one hour. But due to the Covid-19 pandemic production schedule has been greatly affected. The series, which was scheduled to air in January 2021 for its previous two seasons, was launched back in March 2021. The third season came to an end in June 2021.
Needless to say, if the series intends to go back to its initial January release plan, we would get any sort of announcement about its fourth season anytime soon so that filming would commence and the new episodes would air on schedule. However, till now we haven’t heard a single word from TLC and it’s not known if the series would be renewed or cancelled by the channel. Previously, the Winder clan revealed the pregnancy news of Sophie with another baby, after her infertility issues. The Winder clan also has a joint Instagram account and blog to keep fans updated, but spectators might probably want to proceed to watch them on screens. The clan also professed to have announcements on Tami Winder’s and her fertility journey, which we’re hoping that it’s shown on social media but could be displayed in a detailed manner on tv. But we fear that if the show really has come to an end, viewers wouldn’t get a chance to have a look on Tami’s fertility journey and the whole Winder squad.
Let’s find out whether or not the show will return with a fourth season.
Release Date of Seeking Sister Wife Season 4: When is it?
As stated previously, there’s no update from TLC regarding a fourth season of the series. But if the show does get renewed, fans can expect to see the new episodes in early 2022.
The controversy surrounding the Snowdens. Will TLC remove them from the show as per Fans demands?
Fans around the world launched an online petition requesting TLC to withdraw the Snowdens from the show.
Currently, TLC is yet to provide an official statement about the fourth season of Seeking Wife Sister, it’s unlikely that the series will return but if a fourth season happens, we doubt that the controversial Snowdens would return on the show including some other couples as well.
After allegations of abuse by Chrissy against the couple Dimitri and Ashley Snowden, fans have then started an online plea requesting TLC to withdraw them from the show. Some women have also come forward and made allegations against the controversial couple, which furthermore putting their future at risk.
As per InTouch Weekly, Dimitri and Ashley have gone their separate ways, leaving their family in chaos.
The Cast of Seeking Sister Wife Season 4: Who will return?
If the show is renewed for a fourth season, fan favourites the Winder clan and the Merrifield clan would return in the next season. The Joneses clan has high chances of returning if a fourth season happens although the prospect of the show is uncertain for now.
Back in June 10, 2021, on the Instagram post, the Winder clan answered fans’ questions and shared that they have no clue if the show is willing to return for another season. “We don’t know when (or even if) the show will return. We haven’t been told,” the post states. “If the show does return, we don’t know whether or not we’ll be on it. We will remain on our social media, and aren’t going anywhere in regards to that.”
What could happen in season 4 of Seeking Sister Wife?
As there are no concrete details it’s difficult to predict what could happen in the next season but both seasons two and three included the old families and introduced the viewers to new families as well. So, it’s expected that the fourth season would follow the same pattern and this implies that we’ll get to see new dramas, challenges and a lot more.