Conceived by Benjamin Cavell, “SEAL Team” is an American military drama TV series produced by CBS Studios that premiered on September 27, 2017, on CBS. The series later moved to Paramount+ which premiered its fifth and sixth seasons.
Although the sixth season is still ongoing, fans need more of this amazing series but one thing for sure is — a movie is being made.
Back in February 2022, Paramount+ declared openly that it would be extending the series universe with a stand-alone movie, from the show’s creative squad consisting of David Boreanaz, Christopher Chulack, and Spencer Hudnut. So as of now, fans are more hyped about the movie than what is yet to come. Regardless, a seventh season is still a possibility.
Here’s what we know about season 7 of SEAL Team.
Is Season 7 of SEAL Team Getting a Movie?
To be precise, we’re not exactly sure. Speaking to TV Insider, series executive producer Spencer Hudnut was asked about the movie to which he responded, “Not really at the moment. We just wrapped Season 6 a week ago in Jordan. So we’re just kind of focused on having a great launch of this and hopefully giving the fans a great season. And then after that movie, Season 7, there’s a lot more stories to tell and we’re excited to tell them — hopefully have the opportunity to tell them, I should say.”
Now we definitely know that a 7th seven is happening sometime after the movie and we couldn’t be more excited. But is the movie going to be based on the sixth or seventh seasons? “There’s still a lot of conversation going on about that. So I think there’s a lot to be figured out.”
SEAL Team Season 7: Is It Renewed or Cancelled?
Season six just started airing and when asked about Season seven, Hudnut reveals to TV Insider that he feels confident about what stories lie ahead. “I feel very confident about the stories we’re telling in Season 6. And I think my hope is that the audience is engaged by what we’re doing. My hope is that they feel like we continue to raise the bar, just in our production value. This is why we went to Jordan for the last month to shoot the last parts of the last four episodes.”
He adds: “We’re trying to continue to raise the bar and just bring as good a show as possible to our audience. We’re trying not to repeat ourselves, we’re trying to keep the show fresh. And so I think at the end of this season, we leave all of our Bravo family in a place where there’s clearly a lot more story to tell. So yeah, my hope is that we can continue moving forward and having this deep connection with our audience.”
Currently, the series has yet to be renewed for a seventh instalment but we know for a fact that we’re definitely getting a new season.
Where to Watch SEAL Team Drama Series?
All seasons of SEAL Team are available for streaming on Paramount+ Original.