Penned by Mai Ando and circulated by Shogakukan, Sanrio Boys is a Japanese animated series and also a media franchise conceived by Sanrio in November 2015. The anime series is a remake of the manga series of the exact title by Mai Ando. Sanrio Boys was adapted into an anime series by Studio Pierrot from the manga which was launched on January 6, 2018. It consisted of 12 episodes and finished airing the same year on March 24.
For the past five years, fans have been looking forward to the release of the second season of Sanrio Boys. But till now, there has been no word on when the much anticipated season 2 will be out. Fans find the anime very relaxing as the genre itself falls more into slice of life. Not to forget, it has adorable characters and a good concept. No wonder why there are many fans who are waiting for the anime’s return. So will we get a second season of Sanrio Boys? Let’s find out below.
Is Season 2 of Sanrio Boys Season Renewed?
Fans have been patiently waiting for the second season of Sanrio Boys for years now but unfortunately, it still hasn’t been released yet and on top of that, we haven’t heard a single word from the producers. So it is not known if there’ll be another season of the anime series. This makes fans more anxious and impatient as the makers have not revealed anything about the renewal status. Hopefully, we get an official update regarding the new season in the coming days.
Sanrio Boys Season 2 Release Date
As mentioned above, nothing has been revealed by the makers. The first season came out over five years ago. At this point, the prospect of the show returning with a new season seems very bleak. We say this as no official announcements have been made so far regarding the renewal status of the show.
However, if the series returns, fans can expect to see the new season sometime in 2024 but it’s unlikely.
The Cast of Sanrio Boys Season 2
If season 2 get renewed, we expect the following voice cast to return that includes:
- Kota Hasegawa will be voiced by Takuya Eguchi
- Yu Mizuno will be voiced by Sōma Saitō
- Shunsuke Yoshino will be voiced by Jun Oosuka
- Ryo Nishimiya will be voiced by Hiroyuki Kagura[
- Seiichiro Minamoto will be voiced by Yuuma Uchida
- Subaru Amagaya will be voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
- Naoki Sugami will be voiced by Wataru Hatano
What to Expect From Season 2 of Sanrio Boys?
When it comes to the plot and what we can expect from it nothing is known. The makers have not commented on it. Moreover, there aren’t enough source materials to produce a second season. The manga series has five volumes in total and the first season of Sanrio Boys itself covered three volumes. So as for the two remaining volumes of the manga series, fans can expect an OVA. But it is quite unlikely considering the absence of information from Studio Pierrot. Therefore, it is most likely that a second season will not happen.