Conceived by Richard Roxburgh,Charles Waterstreet, and Peter Duncan who also co-penned the series with Andrew Knight, “Rake” is an Australian comedy-drama television show which is being produced by Essential Media and Entertainment. The series first premiered in 2010 on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s ABC1. The show stars Richard Roxburgh, Adrienne Pickering, Matt Day, Russell Dykstra, Danielle Cormack, Caroline Brazier, Keegan Joyce, Kate Box, and Damien Garvey.
“Rake” produced a total of five seasons so far with each season consisting of eight episodes. To those fans who are still wondering whether there’ll be a sixth season or if the series is canceled, we advise you to be prepared for the bad news. So to know more about Season 6 of Rake, we have listed all the deets below. Read on to find out.
Rake Season 6: Cancelled or Renewed?
Sadly, the series was canceled after the fifth season and this is the bad news we mentioned. The series came to an end with the fifth and final season after entirely wrapping the story. Hence, fans won’t be getting a sixth season in the future.
Richard Roxburgh who plays the main character Cleaver Greene revealed to TV WEEK’s via phone conversation that he couldn’t believe that his days of being in the show were coming to an end back when the fifth season was still filming.
“It’s really hard to let it go,” Richard confesses.
“The last couple of weeks filming were really bittersweet, so it hasn’t quite hit me.”
He continued, “I don’t think of that as Cleaver’s last-ever outing. So I don’t know when that’s going to actually strike home. That will be an additionally strange revelation.”
The first season was released on November 10, 2010. The second season was launched on September 6, 2012. The third season premiered on February 9, 2014. The fourth season came out on May 19, 2016. The fifth and last season aired from August 19 to October 7, 2018.
The Cast Members of Rake
The show wouldn’t have made it so loveable and intriguing to watch without the talented cast. Each of the actors displayed exceptional acting skills throughout the series. The names include–
- Richard Roxburgh in the role of Cleaver Greene
- Russell Dykstra played the character of Barney “Barnyard” Meagher
- Danielle Cormack played the role of Scarlet “Red” Engles SC
- Matt Day portrayed as David “Harry-Sorry
- Adrienne Pickering in the character of Melissa “Missy” Partridge
- Caroline Brazier played the part of Wendy Greene
- Keegan Joyce in the role of Finnegan “Fuzz” Greene
- Kate Box in the part of Nicole Vargas
- Damien Garvey played the character of Cal McGregor
- Geoff Morrell played Joe Sandilands
- Robyn Malcolm portrayed Kirsty Corella
- Steve Le Marquand in the role of Col
- Rhys Muldoon played the character of Lincoln Lincoln
How Many Episodes Are There in Season 5 of Rake?
Rake Season 5 consisted of eight episodes. The list of episodes are–
- Episode 1: Greene v The World
- Episode 2: Greene v The United States
- Episode 3: Evans v Greene
- Episode 4: Gold and Greene v Red
- Episode 5: Greene v Diaries
- Episode 6: Greene v The Unflushables
- Episode 7: Greene v Mid-Winter
- Episode 8: Greene v The Reckoning
The series was executive produced by Miranda Dear, while Peter Duncan, Richard Roxburgh, and Ian Collie served as producers.