Only Murders in the Building is an comedy drama Mystery thriller American TV series that debuted on August 31, 2021, on Hulu. Created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman, the the storyline of the series revolves around three different strangers played by Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez, gets connected with a crime podcast and decide to investigate on a murder case in the building.
It stars Steve Martin, Martin Short, Selena Gomez, Aaron Dominguez, Amy Ryan, and Cara Delevingne as the lead star cast of the series.
The series is produced by Thembi Banks, Jane Raab, Nick Pavonetti, and Kristin Bernstein alongside Dan Fogelman, Jess Rosenthal, Jamie Babbit, Steve Martin, Martin Short, Selena Gomez, and John Hoffman as executive producers.
The production companies are Rhode Island Ave. Productions, Another Hoffman Story Productions, 40 Share Productions, and 20th Television.
Will there be Only Murders in the Building Season 3?
Only Murders in the Building received immense popularity due to its outstanding storyline and cast selection. The series owns numerous awards including nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series and for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series for Martin and Short.
Officially speaking, In July 2022, the series was renewed for a third season. Thus, it is very much certain that there will definitely be a third season for the series.
My neighbors have a special message for you all: #OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding will return for Season 3! Now I just have to worry about who's next… I hope it's not me!
— Only Murders in the Building 🕵️♀️🕵️♂️🕵️♂️ (@OnlyMurdersHulu) July 11, 2022
Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Cast
As of writing, no official words have been declared regarding the cast-list for the upcoming installment by the production house of the series. Keeping the ending of the second season in mind, we might except that few cast members from the previous seasons will be seen in the upcoming season for sure.
The cast would be:
- Steve Martin will play as Charles-Haden Savage
- Martin Short will play as Oliver Putnam
- Selena Gomez will play as Mabel Mora
- Madeleine Valencia
- Aaron Dominguez will play as Oscar Torres
- Amy Ryan will play as Jan Bellows
- Cara Delevingne will play as Alice Banks
- Vanessa will play aspillaga will play as Ursula
- Julian Cihi will play as Tim Kono
- Tina Fey will play as Cinda Canning
- Adina Verson will play as Poppy White
- Ryan Broussard will play as Will Putnam
- Maulik Pancholy will play as Arnav
- Jackie Hoffman will play as Uma Heller
- Jayne Houdyshell will play as Bunny Folger
- Houdyshell also voices Mrs. Gambolini
- Da’Vine Joy Randolph will play as Detective Williams
- Nathan Lane will play as Teddy Dimas
- James Caverly will play as Theo Dimas
- Michael Cyril Creighton will play as Howard Morris
- Zainab Jah will play as Ndidi Idoko
- Russell G. Jones will play as Dr. Grover Stanley
- Jaboukie Young-White
- Olivia Reis will play as Zoe Cassidy
- Teddy Coluca will play as Lester
Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Release Date
Now that we have the renewal for the third season of the series, we definitely know that the series will be revived for sure. However, we don’t have a specific release date. Hulu has not confirmed anything official on the release date of the series.
Only Murders in the Building: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series, Only Murders in the Building exclusively on Hulu.
Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Trailer
No update on the trailer for the upcoming instalment of Only Murders in the Building has been released by the makers yet. You may watch the renewal video for now mentioned below.