Directed by Monty Tiwa, “My Lecturer, My Husband” is an Indonesian web series that is being produced by MD Entertainment. The romance drama series was launched on December 11, 2020, on WeTV and iflix. The series is based on the Wattpad novel of the same title written by Gitilicious. It features Reza Rahadian, Prilly Latuconsina, Kevin Ardilova, Estelle Linden, Josephine Firmstone, Maura Gabrielle, Julia Alexander, Nicho Bryant, and Asyafriena Alatas. My Lecturer, My Husband was also launched on Trans TV on December 6, 2021.
It follows Inggit (Prilly Latuconsina), a student who dislikes a lecturer who’s name is Arya (Reza Rahadian) for giving her a C grade for her assignment. However, their hate relationship soon turned into something more that they did not even imagine. Following the success of the first season, it’s no surprise that the series was renewed for a second run. It was released on May 28, 2022. So now fans are anxious if there’ll be a third season of the show. Let’s find out below.
Will There Be a Season 3 of My Lecturer, My Husband?
As of now, MD Entertainment has not renewed the series for a third-season run. It’s uncertain if a third season will be produced since it looks like the story of Inggit and Arya has come to an end as witnessed in the second season. The finale indeed wrapped on a very satisfactory note although the couple had to face many difficulties they always found comfort in each other’s arms and found ways to tackle the issues.
Nevertheless, we highly doubt that the creators will produce a third season but we can’t be too sure as it has not been yet confirmed.
My Lecturer, My Husband Season 3 Release Date
The first season of My Lecturer, My Husband was launched on December 11, 2020. The second season premiered on May 28, 2022.
Currently, there is no word from the creators concerning a third installment. Hence, a third season is uncertain as of now.
Talking about the show, series producer Manoj Punjabi previously stated, “At first, we wanted to make this a film script, but our creative team has discussed it with Mr. Monty Tiwa, so let’s make it a series.” The creators have spanned a total of two seasons.
If a third season is renewed, we predict that the new episodes will be out sometime in 2023. However, the chances of the series returning are quite slim.
My Lecturer, My Husband Season 3 Cast
The following list is the characters expected to return if season 3 is commissioned:
- Reza Rahadian will play Sahadeva Herald Arya
- Ryan Bakri plays young Arya
- Prilly Latuconsina will act as Inggita Sari
- Nevazilda portrays Little Inggit
- Kevin Ardilova will play Tristan
- Karin will be portrayed by Estelle Linden
- Josephine Firmstone depicts Iim
- Sonia Alyssa plays Joana
- Maura Gabrielle portrays Rara
- Nicho Bryant plays Andre
- Love Brian will act as Ryan
- Firm Satrya plays Inggit’s Father
- Aida Nurmala portrays Inggit’s mother
- Farhan Rashid will play Dave
- Willy Felix plays Mr. Wiryo
- Dini Vitri plays Mrs. Wiryo
What Can We Expect in Season 3 of My Lecturer, My Husband?
In comparison to the first season of My Lecturer My Husband, the second season showcased the strain domestic relationship between Inggit and Arya as they had to go through unforeseen confrontations and difficulties. The conflict was mainly caused by Karin who is Arya’s ex.
Discussion about the second season Manoj Pubjabi said, “Remember, this is Arya not Aris. So if you want to be an actor, be careful. Here his wife is fierce. So Arya can’t move. But let the audience confuse Aris and Arya.”
Director Monty Tiwa further explains, “This MLMH season 2 is about one and many things. The only thing is that it’s still a household conflict. Because the setting is a household drama. But there are so many layers.”
Tiwa continued, “So here is the encyclopedia of love stories. From just friends who want to go on a date, then from going out and getting married, and in the world of marriage there are also those who succeed and those who don’t. It will all be here.”
The second season was explosive with tension and drama but the married couple was able to resolve it and it appears that a third season won’t be happening as it won’t make sense to stretch the story between Inggit and Arya as everything would only seem repetitive.
What happened in the season two finale?
Later in the season 2 finale, Arya revealed everything to Iim, who agreed to keep her explanation to herself.
Tristan’s Covid test result, though, frightened Inggit Sick. After thereafter, she learned that her father had fallen.
Arya took command of the situation when she realised Inggit was on the verge of losing it and drove her to her father, who was too sick to undergo any further medical treatment.
Using his connections, Arya was able to speak to Tristan and learn that he was improving.
Arya then came to her aid after she was robbed while walking down the street to buy insect repellent.
She was starting to have a different perspective on Arya. She began wondering about poll-dancing to entice him while she was staring at his sleeping face.
When Inggit’s father passed away, Tristan was all she could think about.
Tristian is old enough to take care of himself, according to Arya, therefore she should concentrate on her distraught mother.
When Tristan learned that Inggit had wed Arya, he was devastated.
Iim argued that Inggit was not solely to blame because she did make an effort to get Tristan to see her father but Tristan refused.
Who is the cast of My Lecturer My Husband 2?
- Reza Rahadian as Arya
- Ryan Bakri as young Arya
- Prilly Latuconsina as Inggit
- Nevazilda as Little Inggit
- Kevin Ardilova as Tristan
- Josephine Firmstone as Iim
- Sonia Alyssa as Joana
- Maura Gabrielle as Rara
- Nicho Bryant as Andre
- Love Brian as Ryan
- Firm Satrya as Inggit’s Father
- Aida Nurmala as Inggit’s mother
Who plays the lead role in marry my husband?
Ji-won, A narrative about Ji-won, a time-limited lady who travels back in time and dreams of getting vengeance with her husband for killing her after he had an affair with her closest friend ten years prior.