Conceived by Eliot Laurence, “Mother Land: Fort Salem” is an American supernatural drama series that was released on March 18, 2020, on the Freeform network. It tars Taylor Hickson (as Raelle Collar), Jessica Sutton as Tally Craven), Amalia Holm (as Scylla), Demetria McKinney (as Anacostia Quartermaine), Jessica Sutton (as Tally Craven), Ashley Nicole Williams (as Abigail Bellweather), and Lyne Renée (as Sarah Alder) among others.
Following the success of the first season, the series was greenlighted for a second outing in August 2021 which aired on June 22, 2021, and the third season on June 21, 2022. With the recently wrapped season and being the last season, it’s understandable why fans are saddened by the news.
To find out in detail, here’s what we know about season 4 of Motherland: Fort Salem.
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 4: Is it Renewed or Cancelled?
Unfortunately, the series has ended with its third season. The season was released on June 21, 2022, and aired its last episode on August 23, 2022. Motherland: Fort Salem has an overall 30 list of episodes.
Although the supernatural drama series concluded, fans don’t have to feel sad because showrunner Eliot Laurence reveals to Entertainment Weekly that he has plans for how the fan-favorite show can still live on.
“Absolutely. It’s one of those things that, I remember when I first landed on the idea, it just felt like an oil geyser of, there’s a lot to tell in this world and a lot more provocative questions to ask about the world,” he tells. “We end the season on a question that’s almost as provocative as the one that started the whole journey, so I think it could live elsewhere. That might be graphic novels, it could be a lot of things. We have incredibly passionate fans. I mean, they are powerful. They’re a force. So we’ll see what happens.”
Originally, the showrunner had not planned on finished the series after the third season, but was thankful the network allowed him beforehand so he could come up with a plan with a fulfilling series finale. “I don’t think we were [prepared to say farewell], but with that being said, it was a very up front, kind way for the network to give us the news and let us think about how to somehow wrap up this insanely big story,” Laurence says. “I think it was nicely handled, so I’m super grateful for that. But it was a heady experience for sure. Who knows though, crazy things could happen.”
Why Did Motherland: Fort Salem Decide to End With Its 3rd Season?
The exact reason is not known but the series has already reached the end of the storyline and thus ending the series with season 3 was the right call.
Speaking to EW, Laurence was asked about accomplishments with the last season. He said, “Just to wrap up stuff and to flip things once again. I’m always trying to surprise people, so this season was about flipping expectations in a really, really daring, hopefully, effective way, and keeping people entertained. People have grown to love these people a lot so we wanted to give as much as we could for these characters and land them in a very satisfying place.”
“We talk a lot this season about lost lineages, whether it’s war or colonialism or the ravages of history, and this whole storyline is about reclaiming history. That kind of story is important to me. And because we’re a sound show, this lineage manifests in the form of an ancient song which could change the world or end the world depending on how it’s sung. That’s the central quest of the season,” he added.
Where Can I Watch Motherland: Fort Salem?
All three seasons of Motherland: Fort Salem is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.