Moonshiners is an American thriller drama docudrama TV series that aired on the Discovery Channel on December 6, 2011. Produced by Magilla Entertainment, the series as of now has completed its 11 successful seasons with a total of 185 episodes each 60 minutes long. The storyline and the cinematography of the series were immensely appreciated by the fans and critics. The story follows the life of people who manufacture illegal moonshine in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. There has been tons of controversy about the films with the local people of Virginia. The allegations are: the show is not what it portrays itself to be. Also, the central, “Virginia authorities have stated that no illegal liquor is actually being produced by the people depicted in the show”.
Will there be Season 12 of Moonshiners?
As of now, no such announcement pointing to the renewal of the twelfth season of Moonshiners has been officially announced by the makers. Also, the controversies and allegations kept on increasing which in turn made it difficult for the makers to make their move regarding the renewal.
Moonshiners Season 12 Cast?
As mentioned earlier, the series has not been officially renewed by the makers. Thus, the final cast list of the series is not yet confirmed. However, keeping an eye on the finale episode of the eleventh season we might expect the arrival of a few faces from the previous season. There might be an addition of some new faces as well.
The expected cast would be:
- Tim will play as Moonshiner 1
- Tickle will play as Moonshiner 2
- Marvin “Popcorn” Sutton will play as Moonshine
- Jesse will play as Law Enforcement Agent
- Jeff as Moonshiner 3
- Mark will play as Moonshiner 4
- Lance will play as Moonshiner 5
- Jim Tom will play as Moonshiner 6
- Josh will play as Moonshiner 7
- Bill will play as Moonshiner 8
- Howard will play as Moonshiner 9
- Chuck will play as Deputy Sheriff 10
- Mike (MS) will be Moonshiner 11
- Tweedy will play as Moonshiner 12
- Chico will play Moonshiner 13
- Tyler will play Moonshiner 14
- Wayne will play as Moonshiner 15
- Darlene will play as Moonshiner 16
- Chris Thompson will play as Moonshiner 17
- Digger will play as Moonshiner 18
- David will play Moonshiner 19
- Patti will play Moonshiner 20
Moonshiners Season 12 Release Date?
The first edition of Moonshiners premiered on December 6, 2011, and its second season premiered on November 7, 2012. Season 3 premiered on November 3, 2013. Season 4 premiered on November 4, 2014. Season 5’s premiere date was November 17, 2015. Season 8 premiered on January 2, 2019. However, some sites confirmed that the series had been canceled, even though it was still unconfirmed by Discovery plus. Also, the series is yet to be renewed by the makers. Until then all we can do is wait.
Stay tuned!
Moonshiners: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on the Discovery channel. Currently, all the seasons of Moonshiners are streaming on Discovery Plus. As soon as the twelfth season is announced, it’ll start to premiere on the same platform as well. All your need to do is buy a subscription to Disney Plus.