Mighty Express is created by Keith Chapman and Spin Master Entertainment. It is a Canadian CGI animated children’s streaming television series. It was first launched on September 22, 2020. This series is co-produced by Spin Master Entertainment in association with Netflix. It stars Jay Hatton, Zoe Hatz, Meesha Contreras, Dylan Schombing, Tyler Nathan, Leo Orgil, Jon Pardi, Ian Ho, Evan LeFeuvre, Annick Obonsawin, and Gracen Daly.
The series has a total of five seasons so far. On December 5, 2020, a Christmas special titled “A Mighty Christmas” premiered. The second season of Mighty Express was launched on February 2, 2021, the third season aired on April 13, 2021, the fourth season was launched on July 27, 2021, and lastly the fifth season on October 12, 2021. Much different from the previous three seasons, seasons 4 & 5 were put consecutively in a 30 minutes time frame.
Set in Tracksville, a small city where humans, especially grown-ups have never lived and where the train stations and other places are being functioned by young children along with the Mighty Express trains. Each train has their own duties to be fulfilled and roles to play within Tracksville, each one of them has its own set of equipment and cargo vehicles to assist them with their journeys so they constantly make sure that their hometown is a much better place to co-exist for trains human children to dwell in unity and in peace.
The animated series has been well appreciated by observers across the globe. The show is widely recognized for its unique manner of storyline that enables young children to acquaint themselves with new tales effortlessly. In addition to that, Mighty Express also earned positive reviews from viewers and critics alike. And young fans have been eagerly awaiting for the sixth season to arrive. Here’s what we know about it.
Mighty Express Season 6 release date: When is it premiering?
There is no official confirmation regarding the release date of Mighty Express Season 6 since Netflix is still yet to provide the renewal announcement for the series sixth season.
It’s also not known if the show will return with a new season despite its crazy success among young children since it’s up to Netflix to greenlight or ax the show.
On the bright side, if the series indeed returns with the sixth instalment, we can expect to see the new episodes sometime in 2022 although this is just a wild guess. Let’s be patient and wait for new information from the showrunners.
The upcoming cast of Mighty Express Season 6: Who’s in it?
Although its upcoming cast is not confirmed, we can pretty tell that almost all the major characters that appeared in all throughout the seasons will likely return in the sixth season of Mighty Express including-
List of Train Characters:
- Freight Nate (Voice actor Dylan Schombing)
- Mechanic Milo (voice actor Leo Orgil)
- Build-It Brock (voice actor Tyler Nathan)
- Farmer Faye (voice actor Michela Luci)
- Rescue Red (voice actor Enhypen)
- Peoplemover Penny (voice actor Annick Obonsawin)
- Flicker (voice actor Ian Ho)
- Mandy Mail (voice actor Gracen Daly)
- Super Train (voice actor Robert Tinkler)
List of Human Characters:
- Max (voice actor Jay Hatton)
- Liza (voice actor Zoe Hatz)
- Nico (voice actor Meesha Contreras)
The Plot of Mighty Express season 6: Expectations
The upcoming season plot details are unknown and if Netflix renews for a sixth outing, the story will likely continue to have more new exciting adventures while co-existing with human children in a small town called the Tracksville. We can also expect to see new characters in the sixth season although this is yet to be confirmed by the show creators.
Watch all episodes of the previous seasons which are available to stream on Netflix as you patiently wait for new episodes to arrive.