“Meet the Frasers” is an American reality TV series that was launched on January 13, 2020, on E!. The series revolves around the lives of psychic medium and TV personality Matt Fraser and his partner Alexa Papigiotis. The first season consisted of a total of ten episodes.
Those fans anxious to find out whether or not there’ll be another season of “Meet the Frasers” should take a breather because season two is officially happening and we got all the details below.
Meet the Frasers Season 2 Has Been Renewed
Back in 2020, Fraser revealed that he was in the middle of filming season two and managed to finish some clips before production had to halt due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He stated that in the upcoming season, viewers can expect more thrill with his family, as well as more discernment into his readings and the journey to the altar with his fiancée Alexa Papigiotis.
He recollected how the program commenced and that distributor MGM contacted him. “They were interested in me and my work and they built the whole show around me and my family and my life,” he conveyed. “And it was so cool because literally it was almost like a movie. They moved in, like weeks before they filmed. Just to find out about what our daily life was like.”
“I know what it’s like to be followed by dead people, but I didn’t know what it’s like to be followed by living people!” he joked.
Meet the Frasers Season 2 Release Date
Currently, it is not exactly known when the second season of Meet the Frasers will land on the screens. Nonetheless, we do know that season two is already in production but the producers have yet to determine an official air date. Season one of Meet the Frasers was released on January 23, 2020, and concluded on March 9, 2020, which is over two years from now since viewers last saw their favorite show.
So if we have to predict when the second season would arrive, the best guess is sometime in 2023 at the earliest.
The Cast of Meet The Frasers Season 2
In season 2, fans will once again get to meet the whole of Matt’s family including:
- Matt Fraser
- Alexa Papigiotis
- Angela Fraser, Matt’s mother
- Rod Fraser, Matt’s father
- Maria Fraser, Matt’s younger sister
- Sharon Ciolli, Alexa’s mom
- Anthony Ciolli, Alexa and Ava’s stepfather
- Ava Papigiotis, Alexa’s younger sister
What Can Fans Expect in Season 2 of Meet the Frasers?
Fans were ecstatic after learning that the Meet the Frasers is finally returning with a new season. So now we’re curious what the next season would be about and what we can expect. Though there are no concrete details, Matt did share that based on the reviews they’ve been receiving, season two will feature plenty of his well-known accurate readings. “That’s one of the things people really want to see,” he said. “So they talked about following more of the readings as an ‘A’ or ‘B’ storyline. And the next season will be about Alexa and I and what happens with her and her pageant.”
How many episodes could there be in season 2 of Meet The Frasers?
The previous season of Meet The Frasers had a total of 10 episodes. Thus, if the makers decide to follow a similar pattern, the second instalment may also comprise 10 episodes. However, there hasn’t been an official update yet.
Is there a trailer yet?
Nope. The series is yet to be renewed, as of right now, and so – there’s no trailer. You can expect a promotional trailer or teaser to air after the announcement of the official release date. For the time being, watch the previous season’s trailer down below.
Where to watch Meet The Frasers?
You may watch the series Meet The Frasers on Amazon Prime Video. All the episodes are available to watch and stream on the same platform. Happy watching!
Will there be a season 3 of Meet The Frasers?
As of yet, season 2 of the series is yet to premiere. Hence, there are no updates about Meet The Frasers season 3 at the moment.