‘Man With A Plan’ is an American comedy-drama TV series that stars Matt Leblanc (as Adam Burns) and Liza Snyder (as Andi) which was launched on CBS Network on October 14, 2016. The series has managed to release four seasons so far but the question is, will there be a fifth season of Man With A Plan? We’ll fill you up with the deets.
The show is created by Jackie Filgo and Jell Filgo. It aired on the CBS network starting from October 24, 2016, to June 11, 2020, comprising 69 episodes in total over four seasons
So what is the show about? The story revolves around a contractor named Adam Burns who is happily married to Andi and their three adorable children. It takes place in the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Andi is determined to resume work which leaves his husband Adam to look after the three kids and demands to be more dutiful as a parent.
With a comical atmosphere, the sitcom exhibits how Adam attempts to equalize his job as a contractor and as a responsible father. So how’s he going to handle both at the same time? It sounds exhausting but will he really be able to manage it? Only time will tell.
Man With A Plan Season 5: Is it happening?
Unfortunately, no. We won’t be getting a fifth season of Man With A Plan since the show was cancelled by CBS.
As we’ve mentioned, the series has a total of four seasons. The first season was launched on October 24, 2016, comprising a number of 22 episodes. The second was released on November 13, 2017, encompassing 21 episodes. Meanwhile, the third and fourth season, also the final season, was released on February 4, 2019, and April 2, 2020, with a total of 13 episodes each respectively.
The show has a decent amount of fans that were looking forward to the fifth season to continue the story. But the unexpected happened as the fifth installment was axed even before the fourth season was aired, which came as a surprise to fans.
‘Man With A Plan’ was gaining a lot of attention from the viewers and it’s quite unfortunate that the series has to be canceled. Another reason for the cancellation could be because the final season’s rating saw a huge decline in comparison with the third season.
Although the reasons for its cancellation is not known since neither the cast members nor the crew has given us any statement regarding this matter. It was also reported that the show was initially planned to go on for more seasons, but it was unexpectedly canceled.
Why was Season 5 of ‘Man With A Plan‘ canceled?
The main reason for the show’s cancellation could be because the production cost for the series was very expensive for CBS therefore, the network decided to cancel the fifth season of Man With A Plan.
Regardless of having a steady viewership all through four seasons, the CBS network agreed to axe the show officially in May 2020. At one point in time, it was rumored that Netflix may resume the show in the near future but the streamer is yet to comment on this.
Man With A Plan Season 4 Ratings
Man with a Plan season 4 earned a 0.70 rating based on the 18-49 demographic and over 5.80 million spectators in its fourth and final season. Meanwhile, if we take a look at its third season it’s about a 20 per cent decline in the demographic and about a 9 per cent boost in viewership.
Likewise, many people seemed to love this show. It has a rating of 7.1 out of 10 as of July 2021, which proves that the show is enjoyed by fans all over the world.
Where can you watch Man With A Plan?
Man With A Plan is available for free for all four seasons which is accessible to watch on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. All the episodes are available for streaming.
Be sure to check them out if you’re looking for some fun and entertainment.