LuLaRich is a documentary miniseries broadcasted on Amazon Prime Video. The series is directed by Jenner Furst and Julia Willoughby Nason. The show revolves around LuLaRoe, a fashion house condemned for being a franchise fraud. It stars past employees, dealers, and the proprietors of the company DeAnne Brady and Mark Stidham. The first season was originally released on September 10, 2021, on Amazon Prime Video.
The Amazon docu-series also features interviews with MLM professional Robert L. Fitzpatrick and journalist Jill Filipovic.
Ever since the first season of LuLaRich was launched, it gained a large amount of attention from viewers around the world. Though the documentary miniseries was just recently released, many fans are now desperately waiting for the show to return with a second season.
Is the second season of LuLaRich confirmed?
Netflix is yet to give the green signal to continue the series for a second season run and we’re optimist that the series will continue.
Documentary producer Blye Faust disclosed that she and executive producer Cori Shepherd Stern have been discussing a possible second season with the series directors Jenner Furst and Julia Willoughby Nason.
She explained: “There’s a lot of requests for that and there have been internal conversations, I don’t know where we’re all going to come out on that but there seems like an appetite for that. So we’ll see.”
LuLaRich Season 2 Release Date: When will it air?
The first season of LuLaRich premiered on September 10, 2021, with a total of just four episodes.
As of now, there are no specific details regarding the release date of the LuLaRich season 2 since the documentary series is still in development phase. It’s also not known how many episodes it will consist of for the much anticipated second season. But once production starts, fans can expect to see the new episodes sometime in 2022.
What would LuLaRich season 2 be about?
It would probably continue with a new story that the first season couldn’t cover since it only has four episodes.
Furthermore, we know that LuLaRoe, the popular fashion house still functions despite being accused of franchise fraud and this could perhaps lead to a new start? I mean many things were going on in the first season, the fallout of Tiger King left an opening for a possible season on the giant streamer.
Faust also mentioned that there are tons of unused material they could not incorporate in the debut season.
“There’s a lot there to work with that already exists but I think we all have to figure out too, it’s not only in terms of the actual material but can we tell another entertaining, compelling episode or series of episodes,” Faust explained. “I think that’s what we just need to figure out creatively as filmmakers.”
A second season is a must as there are plenty of tales to cover in the LuLaRoe organization. The air date of LuLaRich has spurred conflict on the company’s methods that could be a reason for a new season.
Faust said: “There’s been a few, a smaller number who’ve chimed in online defending the company and their work for it, but we have not spoken to them personally, They have not reached out to us directly.”
She continued: “It hasn’t been publicly reported, but there have been mentions of a closer look at some of the terms of the language of these laws that are on the books. Nothing concrete has come yet that we know.”
Cast of LuLaRich Season 2
Cast details for the upcoming season are kept secret. In the first season, it starred well-known figures like Roberta Blevins, Jill Filipovic, Aine Cain, Jill Drehmer, and Lauren Covey Carson. It also featured Tiffany Ivanovsky, Ashleigh Lautaha, and Paul Ivanovsky. The second season is expected to
include all the last season’s major cast together along with some new faces. Stay tuned for more updates!