Karma’s World is an American Coming-of-age, Musical comedy computer-animated TV series that debuted on Netflix on October 15, 2021. Created by Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, the series is based on The Karma’s World educational website created by Ludacris. The storyline of the series follows the story of Karma Grant, a young girl who begins middle school and learns that through her music.
The voices are given by Asiahn Bryant, Chris Bridges, Camden Coley, Ramone Hamilton, Isaia Alvarez Kohn, Aria Capria, Dascha Polanco, Tiffany Haddish, and Danielle Brooks for different roles.
The series is produced by Lorraine Morgan and Lisa O’Connor in association with Chris Bridges, Vince Commisso, Cathal Gaffney, Wendy Harris, Darragh O’Connell, Angela C. Santomero, and Jennie Stacey as executive producers.
Will there be Karma’s World Season 4?
The fourth installment of the series Karma’s World Season 4 is already out. Season 4 premiered on September 22, 2022, on Netflix. You may watch the series on Netflix with all its episodes.
Karma’s World Season 4 Cast
As of now, we all have seen the characters present in season 4 of the series along with their voice-over artist. That said, we know who is featured in the series.
Here is the list of voice-over artists present in the fourth installment of the series.
- Karma Grant will be voiced by Asiahn Bryant
- Conrad Grant will be voiced by Chris “Ludacris” Bridges
- Keys Grant will be voiced by Camden Coley
- Crash Watkins will be voiced by Ramone Hamilton
- Alex “Switch” Stein will be voiced by Aria Capria
- Winston Torres will be voiced by Isaia Alvarez Kohn
- Ms. Camilla Torres will be voiced by Dascha Polanco
- Lady K will be voiced by Tiffany Haddish
- Lillie Carter-Grant will be voiced by Danielle Brooks
- Megan Zhang will be voiced by Olivia Chun
- Sabiya Abdullah will be voiced by Swayam Bhatia
- MC Grillz will be voiced by Jordan Fisher
- Ms. Jackie Washington will be voiced by Dawnn Lewis
- Chris Douglas will be voiced by Ares Totolos
- Chef Scott Crowley will be voiced by Marc Thompson
- Mr. Mervin Crawford will be voiced by Dean Irby
- Mr. Rishi Singal will be voiced by Karan Soni
- Doña Maria Torres will be voiced by Ivonne Coll
Karma’s World: Where To Watch?
Karma’s World season 1-4 is now available to watch on Netflix. However, it is almost obvious that the show will be retreating on the same platform anytime it gets out.
For any further updates on the show stay tuned in, we promise to keep you updated.
Karma’s World Season 4 Trailer
As mentioned earlier in this article, the series has already been released by the makers. You may watch the trailer of Karma’s World Season 4 on the official YouTube channel of Netflix. Stay tuned for more updates!
That being, the official trailer or promotional teaser is out now. Once the production announces the official release date, the trailer will be released within a month or two. We’ll update once the fifth installment of the series is out!
For more updates, stay connected with us!