Kaguya-same: Love Is War is a Japanese anime series adapted from the manga series of the exact title, penned and characterized by Aka Akasaka. Following the success of the manga series, it was announced on June 1, 2018, by Shueisha that an anime TV series adaptation was in development which was then directed by Shinichi Omata under the fictional name Mamoru Hatakeyama and jotted by Yasuhiro Nakanishi in collaboration with A-1 Pictures for animation. The character designs were submitted by Yuuko Yahiro alongside Jin Aketagawa and Kei Haneoka who they both served as the sound director and the series music composer respectively.
The story revolves around high school senior students namely Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya who are enrolled in one of the most prestigious academies known as the Shuchiin Academy. On top of that, these two are geniuses who stand out among the elite of the elite. Miyuki serves as the student council President and Kaguya as the Vice President. They both appear to be a perfect match and soon start developing a liking for each other but their arrogance and full of pride attitude won’t let them confess their feelings to each other. Therefore, these two come up with plenty of strategies and strange ideas to make the other confess.
The anime adaptation series garnered a massive fan following across the globe and has deemed Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War as the best dramedy anime they’ve ever watched! In addition to that, the manga series has sold over 15 million copies. Meanwhile, the series has produced two seasons so far and it appears that the third season is on its way. Truly exciting news for the fans who are anticipating a new season. Let’s find out in deets.
Kaguya-sama Love Is War Season 3 Release Date: When Is It Arriving?
The first season of “Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War” was launched from January 12, 2019, to March 30, 2019. The second season was released from April 11, 2020, to June 27, 2020. The third season titled “Kaguya-sama: Love Is War-Ultra Romantic- is all set to launch in April 2022 although no official air date has been provided at the moment, however, you can check the final posters below:
"Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-" – Miyuki Shirogane Character Visual!
The anime is scheduled for April 2022. pic.twitter.com/5FEENSVkYS
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) February 22, 2022
"Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-" – Kaguya Shimomiya Character Visual!
The anime is scheduled for April 2022 pic.twitter.com/9QkGn8TG3c
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) February 24, 2022
"Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-" – Chika Fujiwara Character Visual!
The anime is scheduled for April 2022. pic.twitter.com/fVz4LjccFw
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) February 21, 2022
Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Season 3 Cast: Who Will Return?
The third season of Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War will include all the major characters that appeared in the first and second seasons. In addition to that, the upcoming season will also introduce some new voice actors.
- Aoi Koga will voice Kaguya Shinomiya
- Makoto Furukawa voices Miyuki Shirogane
- Konomi Kohara will lend her voice to Chika Fujiwara
- Ryota Suzuki will voice Yu Ishigami
- Yuki Takada will voice Rei Onodera
- Miyu Tomita voices Miko Iino
- Yumiri Hanamori will reprise as Ai Hayasaka
- Momo Asakura will voice Nagisa Kashiwagi
- Rina Hidaka will reprise as Kobachi Osaragi
- Taku Yashiro voices Kashiwagi’s boyfriend
- Yutaka Aoyama will return as Narrator.
The Plot for Season 3 of Kaguya-Sama Love Is War: What to Expect?
As to what to expect from the storyline from the third season of Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War, the official synopsis is out. You can check it below:
“Shuchiin Academy—an elite school where the most gifted students flock to. It is also where its Student Council brought together Vice President Kaguya Shinomiya and President Miyuki Shirogane. While everyone expected a speedy courtship and agreed that the two geniuses would make the perfect couple, the pair, it seems, has too much pride to confess their true feelings for one another!
By what means shall I make the other confess?’ The two remain fully committed in devising a highly cerebral strategy in this cunning war of love… Will they take their relationship to the next level by the final day of Shuchiin Academy’s culture festival!? Love makes fools out of geniuses! Is this a new type of psychological warfare? Everyone’s favorite ultra romantic rom-com returns once again!!!”
Where to Watch Kaguya-Sama Love Is War Season 3?
New episodes of Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War-Ultra Romantic- will be available to watch on Funimation.