Just Roll With It is an American family comedy TV series on Disney Channel that started to premiere on June 14, 2019, and ended on May 14, 2021. Created by Adam Small and Trevor Moore, the storyline of the series follows, “The Bennett-Blatt family do not have much in common with each other as they go through their everyday lives in Akron, Ohio. When a foghorn is heard, the actors break character in order to have a live studio audience decide what happens next.”
The series stars Kaylin Hayman, Ramon Reed, Tobie Windham, Suzi Barrett, and JC Currais as the lead star casts.
It is produced by Kenwood TV Productions, Blackbird Films, and Sullen Child alongside Adam Small, Trevor Moore, and James Widdoes as the executive producers of the show.
Will there be Just Roll with It Season 3?
As per the report, Just Roll With It has been officially canceled after the second chapter. On December 6, 2021, it was reported that the second season was the last season of the series. Since December 2021, there hasn’t been any official confirmation on the renewal of season 3.
Just Roll with It Season 3 Cast
Officially speaking, there were zero disclosures related to the star cast of the upcoming installment of Just Roll With It Season 3. There hasn’t been any confirmation from the production’s side nor Disney has released any official star cast list yet. However, We can anticipate the return of many previous cast members for the third installment.
Here is the list of members who can appear in the upcoming edition:-
- Ramon Reed will play as the Owen Blatt
- Kaylin Hayman will play as the Blair Bennett
- Suzi Barrett will play as the Rachel Bennett-Blatt
- Tobie Windham will play as the Byron Blatt
- JC Currais will play as the Gator
- Lela Brown will play as the DJ Lela B
- Michael Lanahan will play as the Mr. Penworth
- Candace Kozak will play as the Ruth
- John Ratzenberger will play as the George Bennett
- John Michael Higgins will play as the Caleb Barnswallow
- Raven-Symoné will play as the Betsy Hagg
- Miranda May will play as the Mrs. Polapamus
- Jason Earles will play as the Skeeter Swindell
Just Roll with It Season 3 Release Date
Just Roll with It Season 3 has not been greenlit by the makers. Infact, it is officially canceled by the makers of the show. Since there hasn’t been any official confirmation on the renewal, we do not know for sure when it will hit the networks precisely. Also, the show’s creator didn’t reveal any official confirmation regarding the date of release, as of now.
Just Roll with It: Where To Watch?
You may watch the first two seasons of Just Roll With It on Disney Plus.
Just Roll with It Season 3 Trailer
So far, the trailer of Just Roll With It Season 3 is not issued from the production’s end. Generally, the trailer comes out a few months before the release, we hope to expect the trailer shortly by the month-end.