It’s not hard to see the impact of the internet. But when you think about it, it’s still pretty shocking just how impactful it has been in such a short period. It was only a few decades ago that the web was a relatively obscure tool, yet today it has its fingers in just about every aspect of life.
This impact hasn’t always been positive but, by and large, it’s done more good than harm. And this is especially true when it comes to entertainment, which has been revolutionised in the digital era.
Below, we’ll run through the various ways in which our smartphones, computers, and all-around connectivity changed how we engage in entertainment.
TV and Movies On Demand
It’s a little impressive that television and cinemas still exist. You have to imagine that it won’t be too long in the future when they’re relics of history, especially television.
The internet has made it possible to watch what you want, when you want, without having to deal with advertisements. The television, by contrast, offers an inferior service, since you can only watch what’s on at the time.
Showing Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus to a television viewer in the 1980s would be like showing a distant future, yet it all came so fast.
Playing Games
You’ve been able to play games for decades. But the internet helped to make gaming much more accessible. Now, you really don’t need any special equipment beyond your smartphone or laptop and an internet connection.
And while the early days of the internet did have games, the range was nothing like it is today, when players can play online casino, arcade, or full title games with just a few clicks of their device.
Online casino games are a great example of how the internet has changed the landscape even when it comes to games that we once considered to exist only in the physical world. Now, players don’t need to go to a casino to play. They can access all of the same games online or on mobile.
The online gaming world is exceptionally large and is only expected to grow bigger in the coming years. Indeed, on the web, there’s a game for everyone.
Access to All Music
A few decades ago, you’d have to take yourself to a record store, pay a fair amount for a full album, and then go home to listen to it. It was a matter of chance whether you’d love the album or not.
Today, you can listen to all recorded music in human history anywhere you are. There have been downsides to this, especially within the music industry, which is making less money than in the past.
But for the listener? It’s amazing. You can listen to all types of music from every decade, and you can do so for free. Or, you can buy a premium music subscription service and listen without ads.
Changing the Face of Sports
The sporting world wasn’t as quick to embrace the web as other industries. But when it did, it really changed the fan experience.
You could argue that it has never been better to be a sports fan than it is right now, and that’s because you can access virtually every game that’s played in all major sports, wherever you are.
You can also get behind-the-scenes videos and access to a wide range of sporting data that would have been very difficult to access in days gone by.
Modern Radio
People thought that radio would die with the arrival of television. It didn’t. And the internet has actually breathed new life into the genre. It’s just that we call it by a different name: podcasts.
The internet has made it possible to take a deep dive into any and all interests via podcasts. And in fact, it hasn’t just allowed people to listen to podcasts, but also produce their own.
What does this all show? That we could be living in the golden age of entertainment, and it’s all thanks for the internet. What will the future bring? We’ll have to wait and see.