Home Economics is an American sitcom TV-series conceived by Michael Colton along with John Aboud. The sitcom series debuted on ABC Network on April 7, 2021, and made its entry as a mid-season in the 2020–21 TV season. Just days after the first season concluded on May 19, 2021, the show was renewed for a second season which was launched on September 22, 2021.
Based on true-life events of the show’s creator Michael Colton, Home Economics puts up with the heart touching yet uneasy and occasionally exasperating connection among three grown-up siblings. The show stars Topher Grace, Caitlin McGee, Jimmy Tatro, Karla Souza, Sasheer Zamata, Shiloh Bearman, Jordyn Starr Curet, JeCobi Swain, Chloe Jo Rountree, and Lidia Porto.
The ABC sitcom series is executively produced by Dean Holland, Topher Grace, Eric Tannenbaum, Kim Tannenbaum, Michael Colton, John Aboud, and Jason Wang while Jess Pineda and Kevin C. Slattery serves as the show’s producer.
Although the series has managed to release two seasons in just one year, it received mixed reviews from the audience and critics alike. Some people find it as a poorly-crafted series and a lacklustre that wastes amazing talent mainly referring to the cast members. While on the contrary, some viewers praised ABC for introducing a show like Home Economics for displaying such realistic issues and by tackling these issues that are almost relatable by anyone.
In a critique, Joel Keller of Decider explained: “The income disparities among the three siblings are a good way into the show, as a way to define and differentiate them. But what’s going to carry the show is having them more fleshed out as characters and the squabbling but loving relationship they have with each other. Yes, it’s funny when they all chase each other down the street in some of the fleet of miniature cars Connor bought for his daughter. But jokes about their relative net worths really won’t take the show very far.”
Daniel D’Addario of Variety also applauded the show’s tone and manner, confessing “It’s early days for a show with a fair amount on its mind and a good sense of who its three leads are. It’s worth hoping that the show pursues the instinct that led to developing three sharply observed characters, and refines those parts of the show that are not there yet.”
With that said, will the ABC bring back the show for another season of Home Economics? Let’s find out below.
Is Home Economics Renewed For Season 3?
The first season merely did well despite that ABC still renewed the sitcom series for a second instalment but that may not be the case anymore since the last season did not add up to the ratings. We assume that the show may be axed so ABC can make a space for a new show. But as of now, nothing is confirmed yet, the show might even be renewed so let’s wait for an official update.
Release Date for Season 3 of Home Economics: When Is It?
The first season was launched on April 7, 2021, followed by the second season which was released on September 22, 2021. The show has an overall 17 list of episodes. As for the third season, nothing has been revealed yet but if renewed, we can expect to see the new episodes sometime this year. However, the show’s future remains uncertain.
The Cast of Home Economics Season 3: Who Will Return?
If renewed for a third season, it is likely all the central characters that appeared in the first and second will return for the possible upcoming season including—
- Topher Grace (as Tom)
- Caitlin McGee (as Sarah)
- Jimmy Tatro (as Connor)
- Karla Souza (as Marina)
- Sasheer Zamata (as Denise)
- Shiloh Bearman (as Gretchen)
- Jordyn Curet (as Shamiah)
- JeCobi Swain (as Kelvin)
- Chloe Jo Rountree (as Camila)
- Lidia Porto (as Lupe)
- Nora Dunn (as Muriel)
- Phil Reeves (as Marshall)
- Tetona Jackson (as Jojo)
The Plot of Home Economics Season 3: Expectations
If a third season happens, the show will focus more on the characters’ connections, mysteries, and lives while showcasing more humour. The viewers look forward to seeing the show as it will bring more laughter and fun.