‘Halloween Ends’ is a forthcoming American horror nail-biter movie helmed by David Gordon Green. This movie will be the eleventh sequel to the Halloween franchise and is one of the most popular horror series of all time as it is loved by audiences and well received by critics although one needs to have bold courage to watch this movie. Trust me, we’ve all been there— falling off on the edge of our seats, screaming at the top of our lungs and many nail-biting moments. The thrill that you experience is beyond description.
Here is what we know about the ‘Halloween Ends’ release date, cast and more.
Is Halloween Ends the last film of the Halloween film series?
Director and co-writer David Gordon called the title for the finale movie “a bold choice” and we couldn’t agree more.
“I know that if I just continue it, I could go on forever. I’m trying to restrain myself and behave and wrap it up in a conclusive way,” he discloses. “Because if I look at it as a personal opportunity for me to play with the characters and the world that John Carpenter and Debra Hill created, I wanna make it very contained and controllable. I want to be a curator of the property for a minute and I wanna do some quality control for lack of a better term and have some fun in that wheelhouse and then say goodnight and let the next generation and the next filmmaker and the next great creative idea take over with that mythology.”
“We talk about fear transcending from the boogeyman onward to a community,” Green explained. “I think Michael Myers, as far as I’m concerned, has transcended movie monster culture to stand alongside the Wolfman and the Mummy and so many classic characters. I don’t think he’ll ever go away. Carpenter so brilliantly brought him into a culture and he’s here to stay.”
Halloween Ends Is Scheduled To Premiere October 2022
Halloween Ends is set to arrive on Friday, October 14, 2022. What better way to release a Halloween movie when it’s just around the time for Halloween right? Although we’re a little creeped out, it’s a perfect way to end the horror film franchise… at least that’s what we think.
The Cast of Halloween Ends
All the major cast will be back to reprise their roles in the upcoming horror movie including Judy Greer (as Karen), Jamie Lee Curtis (as Laurie Strode), Andi Matichak (as Allyson), Nick Castle (as The Shape), John West Jr. (as Sheriff Eric Lane), Mahogany Raspberry (as Nurse Jasmine Law), and James Jude Courtney (as The Shape).
Halloween Ends’ Plot: What to expect?
In an interview, Jamie Lee Curtis has described it as “a beautiful way to end this trilogy,” implying that the upcoming movie will be the trilogy’s final movie. This is what she said:
“[Green] sort of alluded to the third one, which is going to shock people. It’s going to make people very angry. It’s going to stimulate people. People are going to be agitated by it. And it is a beautiful way to end this trilogy. Now that’s all I kind of knew from David. Only recently have he and I started to talk a little bit post-Venice film festival a little bit about the movie, a couple of little tweaks that I’ve offered, but very little that you know, this man makes great movies. I just have to stay out of the way.”
David Green dropped a few hints as explained that the last “Halloween” movie may come as a surprise to fans that they are least expecting. He said, “I get engaged by doing something different, if I was just going to be repetitive, I would hand the reins off to someone else. When you have that opportunity within an established franchise, it’s really fun to think about how you can show different tones and perspectives and evolve.”