Created by Kenya Barris and Larry Wilmore, Grown-ish is an American teen sitcom comedy drama series and a spin-off of the popular series “Black-ish” on ABC. The comedy series revolves around the Johnsons’ Zoey Johnson, the eldest daughter of the family (Yara Shahidi) as she enters college, starts her journey to adult life but soon realizes that not everything goes according to how she wishes. It also features Deon Cole, Trevor Jackson, Emily Arlook, Chloe Bailey, Halle Bailey, Diggy Simmons, Francia Raisa, Luka Sabbat, Chris Parnell, and Jordan Buhat.
Series co-creator Kenya Barris previously talked to The Hollywood Reporter about how he thinks about Grown-ish: “Because this is new and it’s my baby, I’m super protective of it. And I feel like the network has given me a lot of faith in getting this together. I want to see it be a success. I want people to see what we see in this show. It’s really important to me.” Without a doubt, the show has been a huge success so far and the series will likely return with the fifth season. Let’s find out below whether or not Freeform will bring back the series for another season run.
Has season 5 of Grown-ish been renewed?
Currently, the series has not yet been renewed by Freeform. Needless to say, “Black-ish” is concluding with its 8th season in 2023, and “Mixed-ish”, a spin-off series, was axed back in 2021. Now fans of the franchise are desperate to know if “Grown-ish” season 5 will happen or not. At this point, we’re not exactly sure since it all depends on Freeform to renew the series but given the massive popularity, we’re confident about the prospect of the show’s future.
Release date of Grown-ish Season 5: When is it premiering?
As previously mentioned, the fifth season has not been renewed yet. Let’s say, it will probably take a while for the fifth season to hit Freeform screens if the show is greenlit, as the second part of the fourth season hasn’t even launched yet. We expect that the fourth season’s second part will likely premiere this mid-year, so this means that the fifth season would arrive at the end of this year or early 2023.
The cast of Grown-ish Season 5: Who will return?
It seems somewhat plausible that the cast who appeared in the fourth season of “Grown-ish” is likely to be back and reprise their roles in the possible upcoming fifth season but it looks like some of them have already graduated from the imaginary college called the Cal U, which they all go to.
The characters returning would consist of the main character Yara Shaidi who will play Zoey Johnson and is also the narrator of the show. Joining her would be–
- Trevor Jackson (as Aaron Jackson)
- Francia Raisa (as Ana Torres)
- Emily Arlook (as Nomi Segal)
- Jordan Buhat (as Vivek Shah)
- Chloe Bailey (as Jazz Forster)
- Luka Sabbat (as Luca Hall)
- Diggy Simmons (as Doug Edwards)
The current season has only released the first part of its season, it’s feasible that some actors may depart from the show when the season wraps while new faces might be cast if the show is greenlit.
The plot of Grown-ish Season 5: What to expect?
The first part of the fourth season concluded with very dramatic suspense as Zoey and Aaron seemed to be hitting rock bottom. At an event, Aaron hits Zoey’s ex-lover Luca after discovering that he’s offered Zoey a job, before walking off. Zoey then runs after him and finds out that Aaron earned her an internship fulfillment certificate, which would indicate that she no longer requires the job from her ex. On the other hand, Ana hooks up with Vivek and Kiela and Dough begins to have issues in their relationship.
It appears like the second part of seasons 4 and 5 could probably center on Zoey’s as she tries to complete her graduation along with her pals as she also tries to balance her relationship with Aaron but it all depends on how the second part of the fourth season ends and how it would leave an opening for the fifth season to continue the story.