Created by the King siblings, Robert and Michelle King, “Evil” is an American horror drama series that was launched on CBS on September 26, 2019. The series is produced by King Size Productions and CBS Studios. It stars Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, and Aasif Mandvi. Kurt Fuller, Marti Matulis, Brooklyn Shuck, Skylar Gray, Maddy Crocco, Dalya Knapp, Christine Lahti, Michael Emerson, Ashley Edner, and Andrea Martin.
With the release of the third season which is still ongoing, fans can’t help but wonder if there’ll be another season of this hit series. To know more about the prospect of season 4, read the article till the end.
Will there be a Season 4 of Evil?
Currently, a fourth season has not been renewed yet. But once the viewership is publicized, we’d be able to foretell whether or not Paramount+ will greenlight or axe the fourth season of Evil. Considering that Evil has now published three seasons under its name and is well received by the audience and critics, there’s a high possibility that it will be greenlit for a fourth installment. Well, for now, let’s wait patiently and see what Paramount+ decides.
When is Evil Season 4 premiering?
The first season was published on September 26, 2019, and ended on January 30, 2020, consisting of a total of thirteen episodes with a runtime of about 50 mins each. The second season aired from January 20 to October 10, 2021, which also consisted of thirteen episodes just like its first season with the exact running time for each episode. The third season, which is the latest season, was aired on June 12, 2022, and has a total of ten episodes with a runtime of about 50 minutes each. This season is slated to end in August 2022.
If you carefully look at the release time frame, there isn’t much of a gap between each season’s release. This indicates that showrunners may have already readied the plot line for each season. So if the network renews the fourth run, it’s likely that preparation has secretly begun. To put it, the earliest we can expect the fourth season to come out would be somewhere in 2023.
However, the producers would still wait for the audience’s reactions to the third season so let’s make a hasty call but instead wait for further announcements from the creators.
The Cast & Characters of Evil Season 4
Because the series has yet to be renewed, the official cast line for the potential fourth season is not known nor have there been any updates from the showrunners. Nonetheless, fans can expect to see their favorite characters back on the screens including–
- Katja Herbers in the role of Kristen Bouchard.
- Mike Colter in the character of David Acosta.
- Aasif Mandvi will be playing Ben Shakir.
- Christine Lahti will play the role of Sheryl
- Michael Emerson will play Leland Townsend
- Kurt Fuller in the character of Dr. Kurt Boggs.
- Marti Matulis will be back as George.
- Brooklyn Shuck is portrayed by Lynn Bouchard.
- Skylar Gray will play the role of Lila Bouchard.
- Maddy Crocco portrays the character of Lexis Bouchard.
- Dalya Knapp will play the role of Laura Bouchard.
- Patrick Brammall will return as Andy.
- Boris McGiver will likely reprise his role as Monsignor Korecki.
Evil Season 4 Plot: What would happen in the fourth season?
The series is not yet renewed and also, and the third season is still ongoing so it’s difficult to predict what would possibly happen in the forthcoming season. Moreover, the showrunners have not revealed anything concerning the fourth season or the storyline.
However, the ending in the third season will leave an opening for the story to continue in season 4. So, we’re optimistic that the story will be picked from where it was left off and thus leaving it all behind to our main characters Kristen, David, and Ben to resolve the matters and connect all the missing dots as the story progresses. And of course, we’d expect to see new villains and some kind of a shady twist to unfold in season 4.
Where to watch ‘Evil’?
All three seasons of Evil are exclusively available for viewing on Paramount+.