Elite is a Spanish teen drama thriller TV series that debuted on Netflix on 5 October 2018. Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona for Netflix, the plot of the story follows three students who are enrolled for a scholarship program in a fictional school, Las Encinas.
It stars María Pedraza, Itzan Escamilla, Miguel Bernardeau, Miguel Herrán, Jaime Lorente, Álvaro Rico, Arón Piper, Mina El Hammani, Ester Expósito, Omar Ayuso, Danna Paola, Jorge López, Claudia Salas, Georgina Amorós, Leïti Sène, and Sergio Momo as the cast members. The series is produced by Francisco Ramos in association with Carlos Montero, Darío Madrona, Diego Betancor, and Iñaki Juaristi as the executive producers. In this post, we will disclose the cast members, trailer & teaser announcement, and many more updates.
Will there be Elite Season 7?
Yes, it has been already confirmed by the makers that season 7 of Elite is happening. On 25 October, Netflix confirmed the show has been renewed for a seventh and final season, with original star Omar Ayuso returning. The season would definitely be fun to watch. Read till the end to know about the release date for the seventh chapter.
Elite Season 7 Cast
As of now, we only have a few confirmed cast members who would be seen in the upcoming installment of Elite.
The cast members would be
- Mirela Balic
- Gleb Abrosimov
- Fernando Líndez
- Iván Mendes
- Alejandro Albarracín
- Maribel Verdú
Also, there are a few characters from the previous season who may be seen in the seventh chapter of the series as well. They are as follows below,
- María Pedraza as Marina Nunier Osuna
- Itzan Escamilla as Samuel “Samu” García Domínguez
- Miguel Bernardeau as Guzmán Nunier Osuna
- Miguel Herrán as Christian Varela Expósito
- Jaime Lorente as Fernando “Nano” García Domínguez
- Álvaro Rico as Leopoldo “Polo” Benavent Villada
- Arón Piper as Ander Muñoz
- Georgina Amorós as Cayetana “Caye” Grajera Pando
- Leïti Sène as Malick Diallo
- Sergio Momo as Yeray Engonga
- Carla Díaz as Ariadna “Ari” Blanco Commerford
- Carmen Arrufat as Sara
- Álex Pastrana as Raúl
- Álvaro de Juana as Dídac
- Ander Puig as Nicolás “Nico” Fernández de Velasco Viveros
- Ana Bokesa as Rocío
- Nadia Al Saidi as Sonia
Elite Season 7 Release Date
As we discussed earlier, On 25 October, Netflix renewed the seventh and final edition of Elite. However, no official declaration on the release date of the series has been announced by the makers yet. As soon as they announce anything about the release, we’ll keep you guys posted.
Elite: Where To Watch?
You can watch all six seasons of Elite on Netflix. Since the series got renewed for the seventh season, it will air on the same platform.
Elite Season 7 Trailer
The renewal of the seventh edition of Elite has been officially announced by the makers. Generally, the trailer comes out a month or two before the premiere date of the series. Thus, Netflix will release the trailer of the series on time if it gets renewed. Let’s just wait for the makers to release it. Meanwhile, you may watch the trailer for the last season of Elite.