Edens Zero is an English abbreviation of Japanese science fantasy manga series that debuted on April 11, 2021, on Netflix. Written by Hiro Mashima and directed by Shinji Ishihira, Yūji Suzuki, and Toshinori Watanabe, the series follows the place named Grand Shiki Cosmos a fictional space-faring universe inhabited by humans, aliens, and sentient robots.
The voice cast of the series is Takuma Terashima, Mikako Komatsu, Shiori Izawa, Daisuke Namikawa, Rie Kugimiya, Hôchû Ôtsuka, Sayaka Ôhara, Hiromichi Tezuka and Kira Buckland as the lead star cast of the series.
Will there be Edens Zero Season 2?
The official announcement on the renewal of the second season of Edens Zero has been already confirmed by the makers. Netflix also released the release date for the upcoming installment. A second season is set to premiere in ….. 2023.
"EDENS ZERO" Season 2 – Official Anime Teaser Visual!
The anime is scheduled for 2023. pic.twitter.com/vc86Mb1InU
— Anime Trending (@AniTrendz) August 17, 2022
Read the entire article to know the exact date of release.
Edens Zero Season 2 Cast
No official announcement on the cast list for the upcoming season has been officially disclosed by the makers yet. However, considering the finale of season one, we may certainly expect the arrival of some new faces for the second installment.
- Takuma Terashima will be the voice cast for Shiki Granbell
- Mikako Komatsu will be the voice cast for Rebecca Bluegarden
- Shiori Izawa will be the voice cast for E. M. Pino
- Daisuke Namikawa will be the voice cast for Justice
- Rie Kugimiya will be the voice cast for Happy
- Hôchû Ôtsuka will be the voice cast for Ziggy
- Sayaka Ôhara will be the voice cast for Elsie Crimson
- Kiyono Yasuno will be the voice cast for Witch Regret
- Hiromichi Tezuka will be the voice cast for Wise Steiner
- Shiki Aoki will be the voice cast for Homura Kougetsu
- Kira Buckland will play as Rebecca
- Sean Chiplock will be the voice cast for Shiki
- Tia Lynn Ballard will be the voice cast for Happy, and Icchi
- Jay Preston will play as the voice casts for Elsie Crimson’s Subordinate, Illega’s Subordinate, Archer Machine, Guard, and Yammy
- Ray Chase will be the voice cast for Young Professor Wise Steiner
- Sarah Anne Williams will be the voice cast for E.M. Pino
- Shannon McKain will be the voice cast for Michael, Creed, and Johnny
- Kellen Goff
Edens Zero Season 2 Release Date
In April 2022, Netflix officially renewed Virgil for a brand new second season. The release month of the is also been confirmed by the makers. The series has been scheduled to release on April 2023. However, the exact date in April is yet to be announced. as soon as any update on the upcoming installment is made, you guys will surely be updated.
Edens Zero: Where To Watch?
You may watch the series on Netflix.
Edens Zero Season 2 Trailer
As of now, no official trailer of Edens Zero Season 2 has been released. As soon as Netflix announces the release date of the second season, you can see its trailer. Generally, the trailer gets released a month or two before the release date. We might expect the trailer to be released by February 2023. Meanwhile, watch the season 1 trailer