Eden is a Japanese CGI anime adventure, sci-fi TV series created by Justin Leach and produced by CGCG Studio Incorporation and Qubic Pictures. Eden is helmed by Yasuhiro Irie and jotted down by Kimiko Ueno. The first part of Eden was launched on May 27, 2021, on Netflix.
This anime takes place thousands of years ahead in the future where people came to be extinct. Therefoe, a city called Eden is built by Robots. The story revolves around a girl named Sara Grace, who was adopted by two robots, E92 and A37.
The storyline is quite different and fascinating, although the first season was a limited series comprising just four episodes in total with a run time of 30 minutes. Fans highly praised the series for its excellent visuals and performance and are curious to find out if there’s more to the story. Here’s what we know so far.
Eden Season 2: Is it renewed?
Netflix hasn’t renewed the second installment of Eden till now as it may take about maximum four months to evaluate the performance of its shows before finally giving the green light but if we look at the timeline, the first part was released in May 2021 and it’s way past four months maybe we can expect an official announcement very soon from the show makers or either from the streamer.
As of now, the series has received tremendous positive reviews from the audience and it’s highly likely that the series will be renewed.
Eden Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
Currently, the release date for Eden Season 2 is not out yet and moreover, production period for the anime series mostly takes more time compared to TV shows. Even if Netflix gives the green signal for season 2, we’d have to wait for at least more than a year for the series to finally come out. The earliest that one can expect is by the end of 2022, if not sometime in 2023.
Eden Season 2 Cast: Who will be in it?
The series is yet to be renewed and it makes it difficult to guess who’ll be returning in the second season of Eden but it’s expected that most of the major characters will likely return to lend their voices including
Ruby Rose Turner (English dub), Marika Kouno (Japanese dub) as Sara, David Tennant (English dub), Kentarō Itō (Japanese dub) as E92, Rosario Dawson (English dub), Kyōko Hikami (Japanese dub) as A37, Neil Patrick Harris (English dub), Kōichi Yamadera (Japanese dub) as Zero, J.P. Karliak (English dub), Tarusuke Shingaki (Japanese dub) as S566, Cassandra Lee Morris (Eng dub), Yūki Kuwahara (Japanese dub) as Zurich, and Julie Nathanson (Eng dub), Yūko Kaida (Japanese dub) as Geneva.
Do note that if a character is killed off, that character may no longer return.
Eden Season 2 Plot: What to expect?
Plot details are not revealed as the series is yet to be renewed by Netflix but we got some hints from the direct himself Justin Leach during a chat with the Philippine press.
Speaking about the possible plotline of Season 2. He explained:
“The world is designed [so that we would] be able to tell more stories. For example, there’s an Eden 2 that we never talked about, but there’s actually a story, and there’s an event that’s happened there, so if the fans want more, then we have more stories to tell.”
He also further claimed that if more episodes are developed, he will direct on the development of Sara. Though he didn’t give us any major details, we can only assume that Eden Season 2 will be a canon.