Dom Season 2: Release Date, Cast & Plot
Dom is a Brazilian crime thriller series that follows the story of a drug addict son and a cop father in Rio De Janeiro. Created by Bruno Silveria, the first season of the series was aired on Amazon Prime in June 2011. It is a blend of action, crime, and adventures. Following the first part, the fans are eagerly awaiting news for its second installment. Given that the series was dropped on June 4, 2021, the renewal was expected to come in late 2021 but so far there hasn’t been any update. Know everything about Dome Season 2 including release date, plot, and cast below:
When will Dome Season 2 be out?
There are no specifics regarding the premiere date of Dom’s second installment as Amazon Prime has not sanctioned the series for a follow-up yet. However, we assume that the streaming platform would take some time before giving it a green signal. So, we could see the series returning probably by late 2022 or early 2023.
What will be the plot of Dom Season 2?
Season 1 of Dom ended with several loose ends. Petro Dom, the most wanted criminal in Rio, escapes the police by throwing a grenade at them and is now on a run. Victor, Petro’s father, is keen to break unexpected news to his son, however, tracking down the criminal gang leader is not easy. Jasmine is expecting a baby, but the child’s father, Petro has vanished into thin air. In real life, the ending scene is followed by Petro’s police encounter. Since the crime series is not purely non-fictional, we can see more twists and turns in the sequel. Now that there is no disclosure about the plot currently, predicting the next set of events is tricky. Though we believe that the next chapter would bring in action-packed performances with endless drama.
Who will be in the Cast of Dom Season 2?
If not all, most of the cast is likely to return for the second part of the series. Gabriel Leone will reprise his role as Pedro Dom alongside Flávio Tolezani playing Victor Dantas, his father. Besides the father-son duo, Isabella Santoni (Viviane), Mariana Cerrone (Laura), Laila Garin (Marisa), and Digão Ribeiro (Ármario) would be in the cast of the upcoming season. Guilherme Garcia, Marc Szwarcwald and
Filipe Bragança, essaying Petro’s younger versions, may also reappear as the storyline unfolds in a new direction.
You can watch the action crime series on Amazon Prime. Season 1 consists of eight episodes with a run time of 50-60 minutes each. The show makers released all episodes on 4th June 2021 on Amazon Prime. It garnered the attention of viewers worldwide for its intriguing storyline and direction. To reach out to a larger audience, it has been translated into 13 languages. Don’t miss out on the fun. Watch this space for more.