Dogs of Berlin is a German crime drama Television series created by Christian Alvart. The series premiered across the globe on Netflix on December 7, 2018. Currently, the show possesses only one season that has a total of ten episodes. The first German series “Dark” became a huge hit after its release. Following the immense success of its first German series, soon after the second German series “Dogs of Berlin” was launched in 2018 by Netflix. The show received positive reviews from critics and was highly praised for its unique and unpredictable storyline. So, now fans have been wondering if Netflix has any plans to launch another season. Here’s everything we know so far about Dogs of Berlin Season 2.
Dogs of Berlin: Ratings
In terms of ratings, Dogs of Berlin has a score of 7.6/10 on IMDb and a score of 83% on Rotten Tomatoes.
What is the show about?
Dogs of Berlin revolves around the story of two differing Berlin cop detectives who were teamed up against their will and were compelled into a territorial fight in the underworld of Berlin that meets face to face with their own shortcomings and illegal actions – and into an ultimate ruling on which side of the law they’re on.
Dogs of Berlin Season 2: The cast
If season 2 happens, we expect to see similar faces as in season one to reprise their roles including Felix Kramer (as Kurt Grimmer) alongside Urs Rechn (as Gert Seiler), Samy Abdel Fattah (as Raif Tarik-Amir), Hauke Diekamp (as Wachtmeister), Giannina Erfany-Far ( as Kamila), Niels-Bruno Schmidt (as Bruno Przybylla), Kais Setti (as Kareem Tarik-Amir), Fahri Yardim (as Erol Birkan), Yasin El Harrouk (as Fahd) and Mišel Maticevic (as Tomo Kovac).
Dogs of Berlin Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
Netflix is yet to announce the official release date for the second season of Dogs of Berlin. As of now, the streamer has not even renewed the series for another run nor has the show been marked as a limited series. As per the verification, it was originally scheduled to release in 2020. However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, it led to the postponement in production. Ever since then, we haven’t heard a single word from the showrunners as well and no update has been provided so far. Given the show’s ratings and popularity, Netflix will surely renew the series for another season run and hopefully, the new season arrives by the end of 2023 or sometime in 2024 at the earliest.
According to various sources, the Dogs of Berlin season one took nearly a year to release. Likewise, it will take time for the second season to come out. Let’s be patient and wait for further announcements.
Dogs of Berlin Season 2 Plot
When it comes to the plot, not much is known. There’s no update on what will happen next and it’s unclear if the series will even return with the second season. We’re already halfway through 2022 and the showrunners still haven’t provided a single word concerning the potential second season. Nevertheless, if a second season happens, the story would likely continue from where the first season left off.
There is definitely more to explore if the story continues because in the final episode we witnessed that Ulf was chosen as the boss of the Marzahn Brotherhood and things will get more interesting from a here if the showmakers are willing to make a season 2.
According to fans, Christian Alvart, the show’s creator, has been working on other projects in recent years, which may have caused the delay. No confirmation exists yet. Dogs of Berlin’s first season was popular in Germany, but its international popularity is unknown. Netflix will decide if Dogs of Berlin gets a second season. I’ll keep you informed—stay tuned!
The Dogs of Berlin season 1 ending explained
German crime drama Dogs of Berlin premiered on Netflix in 2018. The series follows Kurt Grimmer (Felix Kramer) and Erol Birkan (Fahri Yardim) as they investigate the death of famed Turkish soccer player Okam Erdem (Mišel Matičević).
Erdem’s murder shook Berlin since he represented optimism and integration for many Turkish immigrants. Grimmer and Birkan investigate the murder and discover a labyrinth of corruption, brutality, and extremism.
Grimmer and Birkan face their preconceptions as they examine the case. They also face pressure from their superiors to solve the issue fast. Dogs of Berlin is a brutal criminal drama about racism, xenophobia, and power. A well-made, intriguing series with rich characters and a compelling plot.
Where to watch Dogs of Berlin?
Dogs of Berlin is available for streaming on Netflix.
Dogs of Berlin Season 2 Trailer
Check the first season’s trailer of Dogs of Berlin below:
We’ll keep this post updated over time as we get new information on Dogs of Berlin Season 2 and its release date. Till then, do keep your eyes fixated on this post for more updates.
Will Netflix Greenlit Dogs of Berlin Season 2?
(updated 12/4/2023)
Let’s face it, it’s been almost five years since Dogs of Berlin came out with its ten-episode season, and even though the series earned mainly positive reviews it still has not been renewed yet as of now. So what are the chances of Netflix renewing the series after that many years? Nada, zero. It’s highly likely that a second season will not happen.