Destination Fear is an American reality TV series based on paranormal investigations. The series debuted on October 26, 2019, in the United States on Travel Channel. Created by Travel Channel, the storyline of the series follows – ‘a list of paranormal documentaries featuring Dakota Laden and his team of paranormal enthusiasts, including his sister, Chelsea Laden, and friends Tanner Wiseman and Alex Schroeder.’
It stars Alex Schroeder, Chelsea Laden, Dakota Laden, and Tanner Wiseman as the lead characters of the story.
Will there be Destination Fear Season 5?
The fourth edition of the series renewed on May 18, 2022, which premiered on November 25, 2022. It has only been a few days since the makers released the series. Thus, considering the release of the fourth installment, it would be too early to expect the fourth season’s renewal. Also, nothing about the renewal of the fourth edition is confirmed by the makers yet.
Destination Fear Season 5 Cast
As of now, there have been no official revelations by the makers of the show. That said, we do not know who will be featured. However, it’s for certain if anyhow the films will be renewed, the main lead actors and actresses will return for sure!
Below mentioned are the list of cast members whom we can expect to see in the upcoming installment of Destination Fear.
- Dakota Laden will play as himself
- Chelsea Laden will play as himself
- Tanner Wiseman will play as himself
- Alex Schroeder will play as Camera Operator alongside investigators
- Ryan Zacherl will play as Paranormal Investigator 1
- Ady Gaddis will play as Local Resident
- Dave Schrader will play as Host & Paranormal Investigator 2
- Jeff Adkins will play as Paranormal Investigator 3
- Adam Kimmell as Madison Seminary owner
- Bill Harvey will play as Former Corrections Officer
- Lynn Czekaj will play as Paranormal Investigator 4
- Trevor Easterly
- Nancy Nowak will play as Fairfield Director
- Chris White will play as Owner, Lake Shawnee
- Renee Dykes will play as the owner of South Pittsburg Resident
- Nick Carlson will play as the Paranormal Investigator 5
Destination Fear Season 5 Release Date
On November 25, 2022, Destination Fear released its fourth installment on Travel Channel. It’s been only a few days since the series released its episodes, it would be too early to expect the announcement on the release date of the fifth installment. As per the leaks, filming is currently underway. However, there is no official announcement from the maker’s end regarding the release date.
Well, all these activities confirm the arrival shortly. We can anticipate seeing the Destination Fear season 5 anywhere in 2023.
Destination Fear: Where To Watch?
As soon as Destination Fear season 5 premieres, it will be available to watch on Travel Channel. Meanwhile, you may watch the last four seasons of Destination Fear on the same platform.
Destination Fear Season 5 Trailer
Unfortunately, the renewal of the fifth installment of the series has not been announced so far. Thus, the trailer of Destination Fear Season 5 has not been released yet. However, if everything goes well, we may shortly expect the trailer. Till then, stay in touch with us!