Created by Brad Peyton and Aron Eli Coleite, “Daybreak” is an American teen drama post-apocalyptic television series which is based on a visual book of the same name written by Brain Ralph. The series was launched on October 24, 2019, on Netflix and features Sophie Simnett, Austin Crute, Cody Kearsley, Jeanté Godlock, Colin Ford, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Gregory Kasyan, Krysta Rodriguez, and Matthew Broderick.
The series has only one season so far which comprises ten episodes. Much to the dismay of many fans, Netflix canceled the Daybreak series in December 2019. Here’s the list of episodes for the first season–
- Episode 1: “Josh vs. the Apocalypse: Part 1”
- Episode 2: “Schmuck Bait!”
- Episode 3: “The Slime Queenpin of Glendale, CA”
- Episode 4: “MMMMMMM-HMMMMMM”
- Episode 5: “Homecoming Redux or My So-Called Stunt Double Life”
- Episode 6: “5318008”
- Episode 7: “Canta Tu Vida”
- Episode 8: “Post Mates”
- Episode 9: “Josh vs. the Apocalypse: Part 2”
Will There Be Season 2 Of Daybreak?
Sadly, no. The series was canceled by Netflix back in 2019. Therefore, a second season won’t be happening in the future. Series executive producer Aron Eli Coleite shared the unhappy news on Twitter that read:
“We learned last week that Daybreak will not return for a second season”, he said. “We’re sorry we couldn’t share it with you sooner, but we’re pleased we got to hang out with all of you in these final few live-tweet sessions.” Thank you for picking up where we left off and running with it in all of your great, odd, monster ways, and for being such an integral part of this show and our experience creating it.”
He continued: “No one is more disappointed than we are that we won’t be able to share more of our journey with you,” he concluded. “However, we’re quite grateful to have gotten this far.”
Who Are The Cast Of Daybreak Series?
- Colin Ford played Josh Wheeler
- Alyvia Alyn Lind in the role of Angelica Green
- Sophie Simnett played the character of Samaira “Sam” Dean
- Austin Crute played the role of Wesley Fists
- Cody Kearsley played the role of Turbo “Bro Jock” Pokaski
- Jeanté Godlock played Mona Lisa
- Gregory Kasyan portrayed the role of Eli Cardashyan
- Krysta Rodriguez portrayed the character Ms. Crumble
- Matthew Broderick played the role of Michael Francis Xavier Burr
What Could Have Happened In Daybreak Season 2?
If a second season was renewed, it would have centered on the new communal dynamics built by Sam’s containment to the throne. Her taking over the throne in the finale had a wicked intent to it, and presumably her rule would have been unjust and unkind.
We could have also seen a character development in season 2 because it is anticipated for Josh finally to come to an understanding that his opinions about who Sam is are old-fashioned and sexist. Josh would have great character progress as he would try to learn things faster and better to overcome the apocalypse.
Where To Watch Daybreak series?
Presently you can view the 10-episode season of Daybreak on Netflix.