Clique is a British thriller drama TV series that aired on 5 March 2017 and concluded on 9 April 2017, on BBC. Created by Jess Brittain, the series was immensely loved and appreciated all across the globe. Considering the craze and demand of the series, the second chapter of the series was ordered in January 2018 and hit the screen on 15 July 2019. The storyline of the series follows the lifestyle and journey of two friends Georgia and Holly. It stars Synnøve Karlsen and Rachel Hurd-Wood as the lead star cast the series.
Will there be season 3 of Clique?
No official confirmation regarding the renewal of the third chapter of Clique is released by the makers yet. The last installment of the series was released in 2019, it has been almost 4 years since the series premiered. Not even a single statement on the series, Clique is revealed by BBC as of now.
Clique Season 3 Cast?
As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding the confirmation of Clique Season 3 cast members. However, keeping an eye on the finale episode of season 2, we can anticipate some cast members from the previous season to appear again (if the series makes a comeback). Unless there is an official statement, we can’t assure you of the contestant’s name.
- Synnøve Karlsen will play as Holly McStay
- Orla Bayne will play as young Holly
- Rachel Hurd-Wood will play as Rachel Maddox
- Grace Greatorex-Watson will ply as young Rachel
- Sophia Brown will play as Louise “Lou” Taggart
- Ella-Rae Smith will plyas Phoebe Parker-Fox
- Aisling Franciosi will play as Georgia Cunningham
- Emma Appleton will play as Fay Brookstone
- Evie Brassington will play as young Georgia
- Louise Brealey will play as Jude McDermid
- Emun Elliott will play as Alistair McDermid
- Mark Stephen will play as Rory Sawyer
- Jack Bannon will play as James Buxton
- Chris Fulton will play as Charlie Lamont-Smith
- Harris Dickinson will play Sam
- Sorcha Groundsell will play as Elizabeth Smith
- Peter Bankole will plyas Mo
- Kåre Conradi will play as Lukas Steiner
- Leo Suter will play as Jack Yorke
- Nicholas Nunn will play Calum McGowan
- Barney Harris will play as Barney Bowen
- Imogen King will play as Rayna
Clique Season 3 Release Date?
Clique was released on BBC, which got aired in early 2017. The physiological thriller has got tons of positive reviews from the audiences and reviewers as well! Ever since the second chapter of the season is out, fans are enthusiastically awaiting the release of the next season. But when can we expect its release though?
Well, at this time, BBC has not yet announced the renewal of its third edition. However, with the popularity of Clique, we surely expect there to be a new season or two in the future. Furthermore, we can expect its arrival on BBC shortly.
As soon as any news regarding the release is out, we’ll keep you updated. Stay in touch with us for more updates!