Based on the 2018 movie of the exact title, “Blindspotting” is an American comical drama TV series created by Rafael Casal and Daveed Diggs with Starz network as the series distributor which was launched on June 13, 2021. The series stars Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jaylen Barron, Candace Nicholas-Lippman, Benjamin Earl Turner, and Atticus Woodward.
Its executive producers are Jess Wu Calder, Keith Calder, Ken Lee, Tim Palen, Emily Gerson Saines, Seith Mann along with the showrunners Casal and Diggs who also serves as executive producers. While the show’s producers are Jasmine Cephas Jones and Chrisann Verges.
The story takes place six months after the incidents of the movie, the series revolves around Ashley and Miles, her lover and the father of their child who was suddenly apprehended, compelling her to shift in with her lover’s mother. Rafael Casal also features as a guest, portraying Miles.
The series has produced one season with a total of eight episodes. Here’s the list of episodes for the first season–
- Episode 1: The Ordeal
- Episode 2: Smashley Rose
- Episode 3: The Rule of Three
- Episode 4: The Four Hustlateers
- Episode 5: Beaches Be Trippin
- Episode 6: Ghost Dad
- Episode 7: Seannie Darko
- Episode 8: Bride or Die
The series has so far received mostly positive responses from the audience and critics alike and with the success of the first season, it is no doubt that fans are looking forward to the next season, and here’s what we know about it.
Blindspotting Season 2 Release Date: When is it?
“Blindspotting” was launched on June 13, 2021, and its last episode was aired on August 8, 2021. The show is popularly known for its witty humor and exhibiting the right emotions. The reason why fans gush over this newly launched series.
The good news is, the series has officially been confirmed for a second season run by the show makers itself and will be broadcasted on the Starz network. Although Starz has yet to drop an announcement regarding the second season’s filming schedule. But we bet that it won’t be too long till the filming begins.
As for the release date for the second season of “Blindspotting” fans can expect to see the new episodes sometime this year. The specific release date is not provided at the moment but once filming proceeds we’ll have an idea of when the next season will come out.
The Cast of Blindspotting Season 2: Who’s in it?
We now know that Blindspotting is coming back with the second season and when it comes to the cast members, it’ll pretty much consist of the same cast as in the first season this means that fans will get to see the given names below in the new season which includes–
- Jasmine Cephas Jones will portray Ashley Rose
- Jaylen Barron will play Trish
- Candace Nicholas-Lippman will play Janelle
- Benjamin Earl Turner will portray Earl
- Atticus Woodward will portray Sean
- Helen Hunt will portray Rainey
- Rafael Casal will play the role of Miles
- Justin Chu Cary will play the character of Rob
- April Absynth will portray Jacque
- Margo Hall will play Nancy
- Andrew Chapelle will play Scotty
- Lil Buck will play Buck
- Jon Boogz will portray Boogz
- Anthony Ramos will play Yorkie
In addition to that, the second season will likely introduce the viewers with new faces to stir up the plot even more.
Blindspotting Season 2 Plot: What to expect?
As for the plot, it’s expected that the second season of “Blindspotting” will concentrate more towards Sean and how he’ll be able to cope when he hear the news about his father’s detention. It’s also likely that Sean would dig out information and find out why his dad got arrested and the main reason behind it.
His father’s arrest will take a great toll on Sean for quite some time and his emotions will get unstable as he tries to work things out with his mother.
Also, Janelle will have a mental breakdown when she finds out about Earl’s arrest. He wished to live a peaceful life after his initial discharge. Nevertheless, after going against all the terms and conditions of his detention, he would likely be detained once again and this time it’ll be a much harsher punishment.
The upcoming season will also reveal about Ashley and whether or not she can make things better for her life. There are so many lingering questions yet to be answered but hopefully, the next season will give us the answers we’ve all been waiting for.
We’ll be sure to update this post over time as soon as we get any information regarding the release date and other announcements.