Beat Shazam is an American television game show which aired on Fox on 25th May 2017. The show was created by Jeff Apploff and Wes Kauble and is hosted by Golden Globe, Academy, and Grammy Award-winning actor and rapper Jamie Foxx who also serves as an executive producer alongside Mark Burnett, Jeff Apploff, Lauren Zalaznick, Rich Riley, and Barry Poznick.
Currently, the musical game show has four seasons in total. The second season was renewed on 12th July, 2017 by the network which then aired on 29th May, 2018. The third season was renewed on 21st August 2018 and launched on 20th May, 2019 followed by the fourth season which was renewed on 31st January, 2020 was originally slated for a release last year but couldn’t and pushed back the release date due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it instead aired on 3rd June, 2021.
About the Show
It’s about a musical show that centres on three teams with each team consisting of two players as they race against the time and each other, to name the song choices. With each round, host Jamie Foxx displays a selection of two musical sections. The rule to this game is to be the first team to rightfully answer the title of the song. The teams with the lowest score are eliminated whereas the team with the highest score advances to the next round to play against an app called the Shazam app and a chance to earn a hefty amount of $1 million. Host Jamie Foxx’s daughter Corinne Foxx also serves as the show’s DJ.
Is Beat Shazam Season 5 renewed?
The Fox Network still hasn’t announced the renewal of Beat Shazam Season 5. It’s neither cancelled nor renewed. Although it will likely be renewed by the end of this year- it’s already been five months since the fourth season was released. If not, we can expect the renewal announcement in early 2022.
If we look at the show’s ratings, Beat Shazam season 4 had over 1.87 million viewers and compared to the third season, viewership was down by 24% which is not good if you want to keep the show running. But the show’s overall ratings remain firm so Fox Network may renew for another season run.
However, if Fox Network makes a decision based on the fourth season’s ratings and viewership, there’s a tiny bit of chance that the show won’t be renewed for the fifth instalment. But we’re positive that the fifth season will return with a bang filled with entertainment.
We’ll keep this post updated over time. Do remember to stick around as there are more updates on Beat Shazam Season 5 coming. Make sure you don’t miss out on the latest news and information.