Bad Sister is a story about two sisters, Haru and Sakura, who are taken in by an ex-yakuza named Sugimoto after their parents pass away. With his help, they begin working at his bar and start taking on odd jobs around town. As time goes by, the girls learn more about Sugimoto’s past and discover that he is connected to some powerful people in the area. Along the way, they also make new friends while trying to figure out why their parents died so suddenly. Ultimately, Bad Sisters is a story of family bonds and friendship as the sisters try to find their place in this strange new world. So far there’s only one season of the series.
Here are all the updates about the second season of Bad Sisters!
Bad Sisters season 1 recap!
Bad Sisters season 1 follows the story of Mio and Rika Kudō, two sisters who have been living in a small rural town since their parents died. They are struggling to make ends meet and trying to find a way to get ahead in life. When they come across Tateo Sugimoto, an ex-convict with a shady past, they decide to take him in as their guardian. With his help, they begin working at his bar and start taking on odd jobs around town. As time goes by, the girls learn more about Sugimoto’s past and discover that he is connected to some powerful people in the area.
Will there be a season 2 of Bad Sisters?
At this time, there is no news of a season 2 of Bad Sisters. The makers haven’t officially renewed the series for the second season. However, we expect the renewal announcements to be made sooner.
Bad Sisters season 2 release date
Currently, there is no information on whether or not Bad Sisters will be renewed for a second season. Hence, there’s no release date for now. However, if the series gets a renewal now, we expect the second season to air by the end of 2023 or later in 2024!
Who’s gonna be featured in the season 2 cast
The main cast of Bad Sisters season 2 includes:
* Yumiko Shaku as Asuka Kudō
* Haruka Ayase as Mio Kudō
* Mao Inoue as Rika Kudō
* Masanobu Katsumura as Keisuke Mizuno
* Tsuyoshi Abe as Tateo Sugimoto
* Takashi Tsukamoto as Tsubasa Oikawa
* Kazue Fukiishi as Yuriko Uchiyama
* Kenichi Endo as Seiji Hayami
What to expect from the storyline: Season 2 plot?
Bad Sisters season 2 will pick up where the first season left off. After revealing their secret identities as criminals, sisters Carla and Celeste must now face the consequences of their actions. With the police hot on their trail, they are forced to take drastic measures in order to stay one step ahead. As they attempt to evade capture, they also try to rebuild their lives and relationships with those closest to them. Along the way, they come across new allies and enemies, all while struggling to keep their sisterly bond intact. Will Carla and Celeste be able to outwit the law and find a way to start over?
Where to watch Bad Sisters?
You may watch the series Bad Sisters on Apple TV.
Will there be a Bad Sisters season 3?
As of now, there are no updates!