Backyard Bar Wars is an American new home reno TV series with a comedic spin that debuted on July 8, 2021 (United States). The storyline of the series follows “two neighbors against each other in the ultimate backyard build-off to see who can create the buzziest at-home bar on the block.”
It stars Chris DiStefano, Anthony Downing, Anton Downing, Keila Dolle, Emily Kirk, Cindy, Brendan Yaffy, Phylicia,and Helene as the star cast. The series is executive produced by Stephanie Noonan Drachkovitch, David Hale and Dan Snook of 44 Blue Productions, a Red Arrow Studios company, for truTV. The showrunner is Reno Camozzi. While Chris Distefano is represented by Rick Dorfman, Authentic Talent and Literary Management, UTA and Cohen Gardner Law.
The Cast of Backyard Bar Wars Season 2?
The first edition of the Backyard Bar Wars was known for its top-notch cast selection – as the casting directors did a fantastic job in finding the well-suited characters.
In addition, the artist did an amazing job as a cast member. Moreover, the cast of the upcoming season is not yet finalized. As of now, there hasn’t been any official confirmation from 44 Blue Productions either.
However, keeping the finale episode of season 1 in mind, we can anticipate seeing some of the cast reappear in the next chapter.
- Chris DiStefano
- Anthony Downing
- Anton Downing
- Keila Dolle
- Emily Kirk
- Cindy
- Brendan Yaffe
- Phylicia
- Helene
- Tiffany
- Jake
- Louisa
- Mateen
- Luke
- Tobias
- Brittany
- Joe
- Devin
- Keeshon
Backyard Bar Wars Season 2 Release Date?
The very first season of Backyard Bar Wars debuted on July 8, 2021. It consists of a total of 9 episodes each 45-55 minutes long.
Coming back to the release date, so far, there is no official update on the Backyard Bar Wars Season 2 Release Date. But, few sources state that season 2 might be released in 2023.
Speaking about the series Corie Henson, EVP/Head of Unscripted Development, TNT, TBS, truTV said: “It’s not what you drink, it’s where you drink it and who you’re drinking with. ‘Backyard Bar Wars’ is an ambitious twist on your favorite neighborhood bar, and a custom bar in your own backyard is one of the coolest and most creative prizes ever.”
While series host, Chris Distefano stated: “I’m so excited to be a part of this show; it was a blast shooting the pilot and I can’t wait to get out there and get drunk and build stuff. Hope this show has insurance! Finally, I can show my girlfriend and my father that I am a real man! I am Chrissy the Tool!”
We will update the renewal status & release date as soon as they are announced officially. Stay Tuned!
Backyard Bar Wars Season 2 Trailer?
As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding the trailer of Backyard Bar Wars second Season. Not even the official teaser of the series is not out yet. But yes! You can watch this extraordinary fan-made version of the Backyard Bar Wars’s second instalment on YouTube.