Directed by well-known director Daniel Forsythe, In Flight is an upcoming American drama series that stars Ashley Jones and Tiffany Smith as the lead star cast. The plot revolves around two co-pilots who hate each other before boarding the flight. However, during the flight, they unveil each other’s personal and professional lives leading them to form an unexpected bond. Both have been victims of male-dominated aviation culture.
The film begins with Ashley Jones in the role of Felicia, a commercial high-flying pilot struggling to manage her personal life and professional career simultaneously. Felicia is fiercely independent and very clear with her thoughts. However, she is stuck between her professional life and society’s expectations.
On the other hand, Tiffany Smith, aka Taylor, is an ex-Navy pilot, currently living with her mom. She has also dreamt of re-entering the cockpit again, but her skills are underdeveloped and rusty (based on current conditions) and lack confidence.
Despite all these challenges, both are keen to fulfil their dream of becoming the best at what they do and breaking the norm of a male-dominating society. The cast of the upcoming film, In Flight, includes renowned actors such as William Fichtner, who plays Felicia’s boss, and Lucy Punch, who portrays Taylor’s supportive wife. We may also expect to see Jordan Peele in the role of head pilot and Robert Picardo playing the role of chief flight instructor while Alan Ruck will play the role of airline executive.
The main motive of the series is to empower females and encourage them to dream big. The story will remind us about social thinking, such as women’s empowerment, friendship, resilience and equality. Due to its excellent storyline and cast, this movie will surely succeed in winning the hearts of the audience and will create a buzz at the box office.
This movie is a must-watch for the youth who feel lost and feel that they are capable of doing nothing. It will be an ideal film for those who aim to achieve their goals in life. The film depicts the courage and determination of two strong females who strive to achieve their ultimate goal. Both actors have previously worked with each other in films like ‘The Proposal and ‘Love and Other Drugs’. They have a great bond; we might expect to see a great package in the upcoming film from Tiffany and Ashley’s side.