Angry Birds: Summer Madness is an American animated children’s TV series that debuted on January 28, 2022, on Netflix. Created by Rob Doherty and Scott Sonneborn for Netflix, the series is based on the Angry Birds franchise by Rovio Entertainment. The storyline of the series is based on the characters in the style of The Angry Birds Movie films. As of now, Angry Birds: Summer Madness has completed a total of three episodes and is heading toward the fourth installment.
The series stars Ian Hanlin, Ty Olsson, Gigi Saul Guerrero, Adam Kirschner, Tabitha St. Germain, and Peter Kelamis.
It is produced by Rob Doherty in association with Tom van Waveren, Edward Galton, Scott Sonneborn, Heather Walker, Jason Netter, Heather Puttock, Hanna Valkeapää-Nokkala, and John Cohen.
Will there be season 4 of Angry Birds: Summer Madness?
Angry Birds: Summer Madness season 4 is yet to be confirmed by the makers. No official announcement from the maker’s end is out. However, there are tons of leaks regarding the renewal of the series. Read the entire article to know more.
Angry Birds: Summer Madness Season 4 Cast?
As of October 2022, no official announcement about the upcoming installment of Angry Birds: Summer Madness has been made from the maker’s end. However, looking at the finale episode of season 3, we can expect many characters from the previous season to reappear in the upcoming season. Additionally, we might undergo the appearance of some new faces as well, as the story continues further.
Here is the list of the cast we might see in the upcoming season:-
- Ian Hanlin will voice Red and Neiderflyer
- Gigi Saul Guerrero will act as the voice-over for Stella
- Ty Olsson will again voice Bomb
- Deven Mack will voice Chuck
- Adam Kirschner will voice both Mighty Eagle and Terence
- Tabitha St. Germain will voice both the characters, Lynette and Brenda
- Peter Kelamis will voice Harold
- Ana Sani will voice two characters, Robin and Matilda
Angry Birds: Summer Madness Season 4 Release Date?
The official release date of the series Angry Birds: Summer Madness Season 4 has not been ordered for the fourth season. Additionally, it would be hard to predict the series’ release date as it ended on a conclusive note. If the fourth installment happens, it would probably hit the screen by next year.
As soon as any updates regarding the series are made public, we’ll inform you guys. Don’t forget to bookmark our page, and stay connected for future updates!
Angry Birds: Summer Madness Season 4 Trailer?
As we discovered above, there is no news from the production’s side about making the Angry Birds: Summer Madness Season 4 trailer. So, as of now, there is no official trailer for the television. For the time being, you may watch the trailer of the previous season on YouTube.
Better stay connected to us, we will update the trailer video on the website as soon as it is published.