Aggretsuko is a Japanese anime series, inspired by Yeti’s character of the same name that drew the attention of fans in its initial appearance in Fanworks’ animated shorts. In April 2018, Netflix dropped the web anime series that garnered positive reviews from fans and critics. The series was quickly greenlit for three more runs, with its last season premiering in December 2021. Though the streamer has not officially made a formal statement for Aggretsuko Season 5’s return, its preceding season hinted us to a potential chapter five. Keeping that in mind, here’s everything we know so far about a possible Aggretsuko Season 5 from its expected release date to cast news, and more:
When will Aggretsuko season 5 be airing?
Considering that the anime is still up in the air, we have no specifics about when the series will be out. Despite that, if we go by the prior release window, it seems that fans could see the Red panda Retsuka and his co-workers again by the last quarter of 2022. Its previous seasons have a waiting period of nearly one year between them. Therefore, the aforementioned premiere date is not inaccurate.
Every season of Aggretsuko includes a ten-episode count, so it is safe to assume that the fifth installment may follow a similar episode number. You may catch up on the adventures of Aggretsuko and all its 40 episodes on Netflix until season five gets a go-ahead.
What will Aggretsuko season 5 be about?
It is not possible to tell the complete plotline of Aggretsuko Season five as of now. Nevertheless, we can draw some hints from the predecessor’s closing scenes. Season four saw Retsuka, the 25-year-old accountant working for a Japanese firm, leaving her pop image, and returning to her desk work with hopes of a normal and happy life. With Retsuka’s return, fans could expect her co-workers to also rejoin the office. Aside from this, season four focuses on Retsuka and Haidi’s relationship despite their differences. Season 5 may also center around their blossoming relationship, the one thing that fans are keenly looking forward to.
We shall keep you posted as more plot details make for the news.
Who will be joining the cast of Aggretsuko season 5?
We have no casting news regarding Aggretsuka season five, but we see the original voice cast of previous seasons return for the fifth installment. Kaolip reprising his role as our favorite, Retsuka, Souta Arai returning as Director Ton, Fenneko as Rina Inoue, and Haida as Shingo Kato. It is not clear yet whether the English dubbed voice cast will also make a comeback for another season or not. Other lekly returns oF Japanese dubbed edition include Rina Inoue as Tsunoda, Sota Arai as Komiya, Yuki Takahashi as Kabae, Shingo Kato as Resasuka among others.
Rarecho has served as a writer of the series, and also directed ist all seasons. Fanworks remains the animation studio behind the anime series. Taro Goto, Akira Takayama, Yasue Mochizuki act as the series producers.
We expect the original director, and producer of the series to come together for the fifth run as well.
Trailer for Aggretsuko season 5: When will it be out?
No trailer for aggretsuko has been released yet. But we will update this space as soon as we have a renewal update for season five. Till then, keep checking us for more information about Aggretsuko of season five.
Also, tell us what are your thoughts about the possibility of its season five? Should it be renewed or is it good that it has not been revived?