Conceived by Quinta Brunson for ABC, “Abbott Elementary” is a mockumentary workplace comedy series that premiered on December 7, 2021. The series stars Brunson alongside Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Lisa Ann Walter, Chris Perfetti, Sheryl Lee Ralph and William Stanford Davis.
Upon release, the series received positive reviews both from the audience and critics alike. The first season comprised 13 episodes. Following the massive success of the debut season, the series was greenlit by the network for a second installment which was released on September 21, 2022. It’s also worth mentioning that the show received nominations in the category of Outstanding Comedy Series at the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards with Quinta Brunson, James, Ralph, and Williams all three of them receiving nominations for their outstanding performances in the series. The show has so far won three Emmys for its debut season such as Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for Sheryl Lee Ralph and Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for Quinta Brunson.
Though season two just started airing, fans are already wondering about the show’s future. Here’s everything we know about season 4 of Abbott Elementary.
Will There Be a Season 3 of Abbott Elementary: Is it Renewed or Cancelled?
Judging by the audience’s reaction, the series is being met with critical acclaim and is currently in its second season which is airing on the ABC Network.
When the show debuted, series star Lisa Ann Walter who plays Melissa expressed her thoughts on the intense online approval for Abbott Elementary.
“Just the fact that so many people have found it and that when I go on social media and I read things like, ‘I have nothing good going on in — I’m worried about everything. This is my safe spot. This is my joy. This is what makes me laugh. And I forget about everything,’” Walter revealed to Us Weekly in February 2022. “It’s not that we’re not dealing with serious issues. When I say we, we’re acting it. But [creator and star] Quinta Brunson and the fabulous executive producers and the writing staff have found ways to sneak in really serious discussion items like the school to prison pipeline.”
Although a third season has yet to be renewed it is highly expected the show will return in the future with a new season.
Abbott Elementary Season 3 Release Date
Currently, the show is awaiting its renewal status but fans should not worry as the show will be back with the third season. If renewed before the end of this year, it’s most like that the new episodes will be out sometime in 2023.
The Cast of Abbott Elementary Season 3
All the main characters will reprise their roles if a third season is renewed. This include:
- Quinta Brunson in the role of Janine Teagues
- Tyler James Williams will be back as Gregory Eddie
- Janelle James in the character of Ava Coleman
- Lisa Ann Walter will reprise her role as Melissa Schemmenti
- Chris Perfetti will play his role as Jacob Hill
- Sheryl Lee Ralph in the character of Barbara Howard
- William Stanford Davis will be back as Mr. Johnson
Abbott Elementary Season 3 Storyline
Since season two is still ongoing, we might have to wait for updates concerning the 3rd season’s storyline. But surely, it’s going to be another great season just like the previous seasons.