Shout! Studios has officially obtained all North American distribution liberties to the upcoming neo-Western thriller feature film “Head Count,” set to be directed by Jacob and Ben Burghart who are popularly known as The Burghart Brothers and their screenplay penned with Josh Doke. The film is a production of Method Media, Continuance Pictures, and The Burghart Brothers. The lead cast are Aaron Jakubenko, Melanie Zanetti, and Ryan Kwanten. “Head Count” is expected to be released in 2023 as planned by the filmmakers and Shout! Studios.
“After 20 years of filmmaking—from shooting backyard movies as kids to premiering our latest short at Fantasia in 2020—we’re excited to be in production on our first feature film, ‘Head Count,’” stated Ben Burghart. “Having Continuance Pictures, Method Media, Shout! Studios, and our expert producing team behind us, this project is both exciting and humbling.”
“‘Head Count’ is a chance for us to show off our love of stylish neo-noir, westerns and sharp thrillers,” said Jacob Burghart. “Our favorite films have deeply flawed, but charming lead characters, and distinctive worlds built out of the director’s imaginations. We wanted to make a film that revs up quick and doesn’t let its foot off the gas.”
Aaron Jakubenko started his career on the popularly recognized Australian series, “Neighbours,” stumbling upon his first U.S. break when he played the role of Sabinus in the series, “Spartacus.” Jakubenko then starred in the Netflix hit series “Roman Empire” as Commodus. Some of his works include “Shannara Chronicles” with Austin Butler in the role of Prince Ander Elessedil and the drama series “Tidelands” as Augie McTeer. His most recent work is “Great White,” in which he starred opposite Katrina Bowden.
Melanie Zanetti is widely known for her voice role Chilli in the popular Australian children’s show, “Bluey.” Her most recent work in which she starred in “Raven’s Hollow” as Charlotte Ingram was highly praised for her performance in the film and then followed by “Shudder.” Her first feature, “Battle of the Damned” was directed by Chris Hatton. Zanetti’s other works include “Project Greenlight,” “Passionflix,” and “Love and Monsters.”
Ryan Kwanten is best known for his role as Jason Stackhouse on HBO’s “True Blood.” He is also set to star in the new FX drama series “Kindred,” helmed by Janicza Bravo and produced by Darren Aronofsky. The actor will be seen with Dolph Lundgren and Mickey Rourke in the feature “Section 8” for AMC plus. His other works include, “Sacred Lies,” Lena Waithe’s “Them,” “Northmen: A Viking Saga,” “Kidnapping Mr. Heine ken,” and “The Oath,”