Finance might be your cup of tea and you might live and breathe it. It might be from trading sites to crunching numbers all day but whatever your passion is there is some great entertainment on Netflix for you to enjoy.
Films about finance can be inspiring, they can be heart-warming, they can be funny, and they can be quite sad as well but there are no two films the same about business and finance on Netflix currently.
1. The Big Short
This star-studded film has attracted plenty of attention ever since it was released in 2015. Set in 2006/07, a group of investors decided to bet against the US mortgage market and in turn found out how corrupt and flawed the whole system was.
A film starring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt was always going to be great and it is. A shockingly truthful film about the whole US market and a must watch for anyone who loves business.
2. Moneyball
Another Brad Pitt special but this time he is the revolutionary mind behind using statistics in acquiring players in the MLB. Pitt plays Billy Beane who invented sabermetrics, a type of statistical analysis for the development of players in the league.
Jonah Hill also stars alongside Pitt and together they change the strategy that many would not have thought of. Getting players who are bargain bin but with a winner’s mentality really revolutionised the sporting industry.
Both Pitt and Hill are excellent in this 2011 drama.
3. The Wolf of Wall Street
Is this possibly the most famous business film of all time? A Martin Scorsese classic as he tells the story of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo Di Caprio) and how he made his success in life as well as how his wildlife went.
Again, starring Jonah Hill, the film is a fantastic masterpiece of how crazy the life on wall street really can be. Di Caprio and Margot Robbie are a masterclass as a married couple in the film and act against each other superbly.
This film has so many stand out moments from Di Caprio’s “leaving speech” to him “driving” his Lamborghini Countach.
Get streaming this now!
4. Uncut Gems
A return to class for Adam Sandler with this Netflix special. It follows the story of an American-Jewish jeweller, who has to make high stake moves to help balance everything that is going on in his life. It could all end up in his favour or disaster as the balancing act of business, family and adversaries could be too much.
Sandler is fantastic in this and many claim this is his best performance ever on the big screen.
5. Pursuit of Happyness
Will Smith might have been grabbing the headlines for all the wrong reasons and your perception of him might have changed but in this 2007 feel good inspiration performance you immediately feel emotions for Smith that you may have never felt.
Based on a true story, Smith plays Chris Gardner who is wanting to become a stockbroker but has to take an unpaid internship to prove he has what it takes.
Alongside this stress he has to deal with a broken marriage and looking after his son (played by Jaden Smith) as he looks for creating a life for the both of them in San Francisco.
Hard hitting and heart warming all wrapped into one film.